National Debt is Not the Only Big Number in 2012
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 9:17AM
D.K. Dickey in European Union, Obama Administration, Progressive Liberal Programs, Socialist Programs, Taxation Issues, Washington Politics


       Party Affiliation Pie


21,300,000 Government Employees

(16% of Registered Voters)



They Vote NO Cuts on Government Programs

(32% of  All Voter Ballots Cast)

The ballot box will be stuffed before voters in the private sector even start to cast their ballots. So, the swing vote is critical with Independents or the Disenfranchised groups such as Moderate Democrats, students, disappointed idealogues and middle-of-the-road voters of all stripes to reject all the guaranteed government salaries, generous pensions and spending programs.

This voter imbalance according to experts will grow to parity sooner than later since government jobs have grown exponentially under Clinton, Bush and Obama. Sadly,  it will be the European Union, au duex. The United States Government then will employ over fifty percent of the voters and control of the entire country's economy.

Government Gone Wild, is a non-partisan movement aimed at educating citizens about the national debt and out-of-control government spending.  Mr. Blaise Ingoglia, principal spokesman, presents this video which is only 3 minutes and 40 seconds.  It should be viewed by all of your fellow voters in order to see these big figures for themselves.



~ REMEMBER...VOTE 2012!  ~

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (
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