Obama's Fiddle Lessons Learned
Sunday, November 20, 2011 at 1:23PM
D.K. Dickey in Banking, Big Labor Unions, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Obama 2012 Campaign, Progressive Liberal Programs, Socialist Programs, U.S. Budget Issues, Washington Politics

"If I don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition."  - Obama 2009

Obama cannot blame Bush for his failed programs any more, the results were on his own watch.  Does this mean there is now a consensus of voters to choose a new President? 


No longer able to stand on his own accomplishments, Obama attempts a diversionary smokescreen by driving the narrative about more taxes, not reducing his bloated deficits that he created.  Obama endorses new taxes on wealthy earners as he encourages bogus #OCCUPYWALLSTREET staged protesters orchestrated by HIS community organizers, voter handlers and union management to loudly protest the rich and demand income redistribution.

The Tea Party simply says, "The Federal Government is too big and too expensive!"  Obama blames "the Tea Party" for bullying Congress members in not passing his Jobs Bill.  All Voters are weary of the smoke and mirrors, the "blame game" and "finger pointing", they want "Change they can Believe in" now!

The End-Game: Time to Wake Up & Smell the Tea!  

"Fools, I've got this 2012 Election all locked up!" 

..."So Go Play Your Games!" 

Har!... Har!... Har!...

 Barack, keep thinking those thoughts!



VOTE 2012!  ~


Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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