Obama's Laughter Curve vs. Reagan's Laffer Curve
Monday, December 12, 2011 at 9:43AM
D.K. Dickey in Big Labor Unions, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Green Jobs, Laffer Curve, Obama 2012 Campaign, Obama Administration, President Reagan, Progressive Liberal Programs, Reaganomics, U.S. Budget Issues

In economics, the Laughter Curve and demand-side economics inspired ObamanomObama Funny Laughter Curveics. The Laughter Curve (really a joke) is Keynesian in theory, (not from Kenya) which believes that getting an economy out of a rut requires stimulating demand by more government spending or consumer spending by cutting middleclass taxes and raising it on the job creators who are risk takers. So, it's easy to be a demand sider which is a very populist or middleclass position.

Fisker Karma - MSP $96,895.00 The central government program picks and chooses winners and losers which makes it impossible to tell where politics end and where policy starts. Obama has made “green jobs” a showcase of his recovery plan, vowing to foster new jobs, new technologies and more competitive American industries, ie. "Green Jobs" like $535 Million Loan - Solyndra Energy solar panels went bankrupt and  $529 Million Loan -  Fiskar Automotive Karma luxury electric cars are too pricy at $96,895 each.  These so called "Green Jobs" lack the green profit (money) to be worth it. It's hilarious that the Obama administration assumed a 5-10 percent failure rate, multiply the low end by ten and that may be your failure rate within the next two years. The truth is that the market for petroleum based products still beats solar and wind sales even after "Green incentives". The Laughter Curve joke is on the American people and its NOT funny!

In economics, Art Laffer's Curve and supply-side economics inspired Reaganomics. The Laffer Curve is a theoretical representation of the relationship between government revenue raised by taxation and all possible rates of taxation. It is used to illustrate the concept that taxable income will change in response to changes in the rate of taxation.  A high tax rate will generate less revenue because at such a rate there is no longer any incentive for a rational taxpayer to earn any income and therefore tax revenues decrease. 

Reaganomics History

The 1984 election pitted two visions of America against each other. One vision, the Ronald Reagan and Jefferson vision, was that government is the best that governs least while the Walter Mondale and Democrat vision was that government is the best that governs the best, i.e. more and better government. The American people rejected the Mondale vision en mass. It was rejected by conservatives, no matter their political affiliation. It was the so called working class voting for a better America without government intrusion. We now had a defined ideology in America — conservatism vs. progressive liberalism. Conservatives believe that the individual is better qualified to make decisions regarding his life and government’s role is to insure his rights and provide for national security. The progressive liberals believe it is government’s role to act in the public good and provide for those who have not, through their choices, been able to advance themselves and achieve the blessings offered under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.



VOTE 2012!  ~

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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