Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 6:03PM
D.K. Dickey in Banking, Big Labor Unions, OCCUPYWALLSTREET Protesters, Obama 2012 Campaign, Obama Administration, Progressive Liberal Programs, Socialist Programs, Wall Street, Wall Street Bailout, Washington Politics

Biography: He currently hosts The Adam Carolla Show, a talk show distributed as a podcast on the ACE Broadcasting Network. The Adam Carolla Show recently claimed the title of the Guinness Book of World Records "Most Downloaded Podcast".

I would have never thought that Adam Carolla, of all Hollywood people, would be the one to deliver such a lambasting on the ‘Occupy’ movement?  This is about the "Millennials", the current generation of kids coming into their own realization of their future and what they have personally accomplished.

As Adam Carolla says, "It's fine that if you have grown up in this little snow globe of a life where everyone gets a "participation trophy" in life and there are no losers and everything is awesome."  But, he on rants in epic proportions on OccupyWall Street and the millennial kids of today as a generation spoiled with self-entitlements. This is what's on everyone's mind when it comes to the greedy slugs occupying the streets in city after city as they trashed each of them to the tune of millions of taxpayer dollars to clean up after these "protests".
Warning for graphic language (the edited version of this video is at the bottom of this post)
There's a lot of swearing in it, so put on the headphones if you want privacy. There is a CENSORED version - 80% bleeped -- it's well worth the time.


The video below is the sanitized version, which may suit some people's taste better.  But, to take in the full appreciation of the attitude and demeanor of the subject matter, uncut it lets one feel the intensity of what the majority of voters feel and express as they are fed up of being manipulated and used by politicians and their organizations.



VOTE 2012!  ~

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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