An Accident of Fate
Friday, October 12, 2012 at 12:32PM
D.K. Dickey in Conservative Values, Elizabeth Warren race, Fair Share Tax, Govt. Nanny State, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Laffer Curve, Media Bias, Obama 2012 Campaign, Obama Administration, Obama Background Issues, Obama Policies, ObamaCare, Opinions & Ideas, Progressive Liberal Programs, Reaganomics, Romney Campaign, Taxation Issues, U.S. Budget Issues, U.S. Office of Management & Budget, U.S. Politics, U.S. Presidential Elections, Union Benefits & Pension Funds, Wall Street Bailout, Washington Politics, You Did Not Build That

President Obama’s stray sentences certainly point to a bolder conclusion. If it’s not brains or work that account for success, what is it? The answer must be … luck. Not maybe entirely luck, but luck to a very great degree.

Luck by definition, however, is amoral. Nobody deserves any luck, otherwise they wouldn’t be lucky. To the extent success is due to luck, success is undeserved—and to the premise that their success is undeserved, the successful have no very strong claim to the proceeds of their success...Saay what?

Whereas Elizabeth Warren - D, running for Senator Massachusetts, suggests that the wealthy should be taxed to repay tangible benefits they have personally received, Obama is indicating a possibility that the wealthy should be taxed … because their wealth is to a great extent an accident of fate...Oh really?




VOTE Nov 6, 2012!  ~


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