Not Again - Obama & ACORN 2012 Elections Fraud?
Monday, October 29, 2012 at 12:03AM
D.K. Dickey in ACORN, Big Labor Unions, Cap & Trade, Christian Beliefs, Conservative Values, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Healthcare Issues, Main Stream Media Bias, Media Bias, Obama 2012 Campaign, Obama Administration, Obama Background Issues, Obama Defeated at Polls, Obama Policies, Obama delusional, Peter Soros, Progressive Liberal Programs, Racial Matters, Romney Campaign, Socialist Programs, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Politics, U.S. Presidential Elections, Unions, Voter Fraud, Voter Laws, Washington Politics

If you haven't met Anita Moncrief, you are in for a treat. Anita Moncrief, formerly with ACORN, has some incredibly important first-person observations in regard to the last election cycle in 2008 - look out for a repeat in 2012 in a huge tsunami wave that will flood the polling booths with fraudulent ballots.

Anita Moncrief narrates her compelling story extemporaneously in a clear, concise diction and with extraordinary detail that will keep your attention as she enthusiastically takes you through her story.

I thoroughly enjoyed her informative delivery and appreciated her carefully crafted, documented details that further support without a doubt  her veracity and truthful telling of her experiences.

Andrew Breitbart

I do say with great sadness that this was before the passing of Andrew Breitbart in May 2012, a true patriot and champion to the end with his untiring fight to expose the dishonesty and corruption in our political process.  At least he was in attendance at this CPAC 2012 Conference and heard Anita Moncrief's presentation.

Please watch both of her videos. If you watch Part I, I guarantee you’ll watch Part II.(The total run time is only 20 minutes.)



 Time 9:14

Part 1 -  Anita Moncrief's speech at Americans For Prosperity Foundation's Suite Tea Breakfast with Andrew Breitbart in Orlando, Florida, September 23, 2011.

Time 9:53

Part 2 -  Anita Moncrief's speech at Americans For Prosperity Foundation's Suite Tea Breakfast with Andrew Breitbart in Orlando, Florida, September 23, 2011.



VOTE EARLY - Nov 6, 2012!  ~



Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (
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