Obamacare Google Search - 'How to a'
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 11:38PM
D.K. Dickey in 2016 Presidential Elections, Big Labor Unions, Election Voting Issues, Govt. Nanny State, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Healthcare Issues, Medicare, Middle Class Warfare, Obama 2012 Campaign, Obama Administration, Obama Background Issues, Obama Policies, Obama Scandals, Obama delusional, ObamaCare, Obamacare Fraud, Obamacare Spemding, Obamacare Web Site, Opinions & Ideas, Privacy Issues, Progressive Liberal Programs, Saul Alinsky , Social Security Issues, Socialist Programs, Taxation Issues, U.S. Budget Issues, U.S. Office of Management & Budget, U.S. Presidential Elections, Voter Fraud, Washington Politics, obama narcissism

If you want to get the pulse of the Internet users, go directly to your Internet Provider, IP, and type in key words or phrase into your Google search engine to conduct a query on the web to see what randomly pops up on your computer screen.

Got Google?  Just type in:  'how to a...' (it auto-fills choices for you)

<Check out my screenshot from today, November 6, 2013>

And you don't think the IP hubs don't route your keystrokes to data mine personal information into public monitoring NSA mass storage systems? 

I had to chuckle about the 'how to address a letter' because at first it made no sense at all, until I thought about it.  After all, if you can't get food stamps or Medicaid on line, then you can always mail a letter, if you know 'how to address a letter.'  LOL!

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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