NRA Created To Protect Free Slaves 
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 1:51PM
D.K. Dickey in Cap & Trade, Conservative Values, Freedom of Speech, Govt. Nanny State, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Gun Bans, Gun Control, Guns, Healthcare Issues, Main Stream Media Bias, NRA, Obama Administration, Obama Policies, ObamaCare, Opinions & Ideas, Peter Soros, Progressive Liberal Programs, Regisater Firearms, Socialist Programs, U.S. Constituitional Law, U.S. Politics, Washington Politics
African-American activists spoke out against proposed gun control laws at a news conference in response to concerns shared by black conservatives that proposed legislation in the Senate would restrict their ability to defend themselves, their property and their families.
They were also concerned that the proposed gun control legislation put too much power in the hands of politicians, and called for a serious national dialogue about the impact of gun control on the black community.

Time 3:08

My Liberal Progressives no doubt will be scandalized by the "NRA Created To Protect Slaves" remark by today's black leaders, so I offer proof galore below.  This real truth coming out about all the history facts rewrites made by the liberal politicians, teachers, entertainers and media pundits is a slow turnaround process of reeducation to the masses.


Time 1:15:14

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (
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