Obamacare Kool Aid Party Grows
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 1:35PM
D.K. Dickey in Big Labor Unions, Govt. Nanny State, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Healthcare Issues, Higher Medical Insurance Costss, New Taxes, Obama Policies, ObamaCare, Obamacare Spemding, Progressive Liberal Programs

  “We’re going to have to pass the bill, to, well, you know, find out what is in it”… Nancy Pelosi said it, not to mentioned just how our illustrious president shoved his healthcare plan down our throats strictly only on a majority, partisan Senate vote. ...DISGUSTING!


ObamaCare Taxes Will Not Affect Us - Kool Aid Anyone? Kool Aid Drinker

To shrink the deficit and cover the costs of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama has instituted a plethora of new taxes. More than 20 tax increases are associated with the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or "ObamaCare"), which is likely to hurt business and investment and slow economic recovery, says Andrew Lundeen, the associate for government relations and corporate development at the Tax Foundation.

The total tax burden of ObamaCare is now estimated at $1.058 trillion -- a steep increase from the initial $569 billion estimate produced at the time of the passing of the law. Owners of small businesses will be hit the hardest, facing both a tax increase on self-employment income and the employer mandate. The tax increase may force some small businesses to shut down or fire workers and raise prices.

Kids, want more Kool Aid?Another 10 taxes bring the total to $1.058 trillion. With the 3.8 percent investment tax from the ACA and the fiscal cliff tax increases, the United States now has a combined state and federal capital gains rate of 28 percent. The more these taxes increase, the less capital will flow freely, which will damage long-term economic growth.

Source: Andrew Lundeen, "Obama Tax Increases Will Impact Us All," Tax Foundation, March 5, 2013.

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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