Boston Marathon - Leaving it All up to You
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 2:46PM
D.K. Dickey in 9/11 Benghanzi Attack, 911 NY Towers Attack, Boston Bombings, Conservative Values, Gun Control, Gun Controls, Main Stream Media Bias, NRA Issues, Obama Administration, Obama Policies, ObamaCare, Opinions & Ideas, Progressive Liberal Programs, Socialist Programs, Terrorism, Terrorist War, Terrorist War, U.S. Constituitional Law, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Politics, Washington Politics

Shepard Smith, a news anchor on Fox News, was interviewing Senator Saxby Chambliss, R - Georgia, discussing how the public should react to these horrible Boston Marathon Bombings.  After nibbling all around the edges of the obvious, Shepard Smith finally took the big bite of the apple and concluded, "Well, I think today we simply can't expect total terrorist protection from our police force or security officers and must accept individual risks in order to lead our own lives normally." (Paraphrased quote)  Well said loud and clear!

Former congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) went on MSNBC to react to the bombing at the Boston Marathon. In a shameless moment of advocacy, Frank used the tragedy to make a political statement about revenue and the size of government agencies we need to protect and run our lives.

During the MSNBC interview anchor Thomas Roberts actually called Frank out for his despicable attempt to politicize this tragedy:

FRANK: I hope then that we will be able to find some revenue, I hope from the federal government so that Boston doesn't have to pay for this absolutely necessary expenditure by cutting back on other important services down the line.

ROBERTS: Sir, you keep talking about revenue and infrastructure and the fact that we have the capabilities necessary to respond to something as atrocious as this. Do you feel like you're capitalizing and making political hay of this event that happened?

FRANK: Do I feel what? That I'm capitalizing?

ROBERTS: Well, that you're making a political argument about revenue right now.

FRANK: Yes, exactly. I'm talking common sense. I'm saying that if the sequester had gone through, and we had not had enough money, we couldn't be able to do this.[sic] I think this is an important teaching moment about what we need if we're going to live the way we want to live.

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This act of terrorism should not be taken as a "teaching moment" as former congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said for another call to arms to increase Federal programs or Homeland Security forces. Instead, it is a call to all American citizens to guard their own 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms to protect themselves and neighbors. Even when those terrorists planted their IEDs, Improvised Explosive Devices, and ran away, all of the armed police and security officers present who took precautions could not stop the Boston Marathon tragedies.

Here are two other incidents of being armed and ready to defend citizens from terrorism before and after the act.  Many people credit these two arrests to real chance, but luckily both officers noticed their suspicious behavior. They illustrate the fact: We can't ever expect total terrorist protection from our police force or security officers, it's always all up to us for our own protection.

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (
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