Obama Rubber Stamp - UN Abassador Samantha Power
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 11:59PM
D.K. Dickey in 2012 Elections, Al-queda, LBJ-Kennedy, Osama Bin Laden Killing, 9/11 Benghanzi Attack, Afghanistan War, Arab Spring Rallies, Conservative Talk Radio, Conservative Values, Freedom of Speech, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Gun Control, Healthcare Issues, Iraq War, Islamic Terrorists, Israel Politics, Main Stream Media Bias, Middle Class Warfare, Muslim Beliefs, Muslim Terrorists, Obama 2012 Campaign, Obama Administration, Obama Background Issues, Obama Policies, Obama Scandals, ObamaCare, Opinions & Ideas, Peter Soros, Progressive Liberal Programs, Quran Teachings, Samantha Powers nomination, Socialist Programs, Terrorism, Terrorist War, U.S. Constituitional Law, U.S. Military Affairs, U.S. Politics, U.S. Presidential Elections, UN Politics, United Nations Affairs, Washington Politics

After Obama's first term in office and now elected for a second term, many Americans blindly refuse to believe Obama is extreme. They still have a hard time understanding this because they believe in Obamacare which is his signature program, and so closely identified with his presidency. However, it is now becoming more and more unpopular as it nears implementation.  As insurance premiums increase, the new health taxes and non-compliance fines to be levied on unexpecting young people, and the rationing of health care services to the everyone including the elderly will become ever more apparent - Maybe citizens should look beyond programs and look at who is filling the posts as Obama appointees.

Obama, Rice and Power returning from Rose Garden announcement of her new post.Obama's efforts lately to shore up Obamacare's approval ratings are only likely to identify him more with its failings and others programs he has undertaken. Obama now is panicky as he seeks more people to help in his causes. The American people need to pause and realize that Team Obama is simply nominating and rewarding those who share their goal of radically changing America, not to help it.

Now, such a nominee has been chosen, her name is Samantha Power and she is not a new kid on the block either: January 2009 to March 2013 held positions including special assistant to the president, senior director for multilateral affairs and human rights on the National Security Council, and member of the Atrocities Prevention Board.  Power was also one of the main architects of the Obama administration’s policies in Libya - Did it include any prepared statements for Susan Rice? ...hmmn.

She replaces former UN Ambassador Susan Rice who famously stated that the Benghazi attacks were instigated by a youTube video, not a planned terrorist attack, which contradicted Obama who said that, "OBL is dead and al Queda is on the run" in order to shield a major security breech due to a terrorist attack to protect from and avoid a scandal in Obama's re-election bid. Interesting that Rice, an Obama cabinet member, is subject to executive privilege to privacy, and now cannot be forced to testify in the Benghanzi debacle.  Hmmn...

Cass Sunstein is an Occultist and high-level Illuminist of the "New World Order", all people under one world government. Obama's appointed Director of Information. Cass is married to Samantha Power.  Whoa...oh, really?  Cass is currently behind the scenes in the White House attempting to pull down the censorship screen of totalitarian rule by implementing the “Fairness Doctrine,” authored by Samantha Power, which was a wrongly-named concept which allows the government to regulate the airwaves and block freedom of our speech on the Internet and to ban Conservative talk radio and TV and not any liberal media.

Samantha Power, currently an official staff Obama advisor,  is one of the main architects of the Obama administration’s policies in Libya, an uber-liberal journalist and public-policy professor.  She wrote in 2003 in the New Republic, a liberal American magazine of commentary on politics and the arts published continuously since 1914, that "Much anti-Americanism derives from the role U.S. political, economic, and military power has played in denying such freedoms to others." Powers suggested that, "We need a historical reckoning with the crimes committed, sponsored, or permitted by the United States."  The United Nations has another bleeding heart liberal ally to vote punitive sanctions and monetary damage assessments against the U.S. people and the United States. 

Powers won a 2003 Pulitzer Prize for "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide", her book about America's response to genocide. The book by Samantha Power is highly critical of Israel and supports the "suppressed" Palestinians to increase their defense against Israel with a "massive army" in the thousands.  The question begs where are all  of those people?  They are in the standing armies already in place  waiting in Egypt, Libya and other Arab countries that have recently toppled. Samantha Power is, like Obama, hostile towards Israel and her choice confirms the White House position.  Is Israel is being set up as the next fall guy in the current middle Eastern political meltdown?

This nominee is to be Obama's selection for U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. appointee. Many feel that Samantha Power is likely to have profound influence on U.S. foreign policy in the decades to come. Her book caught the fancy of Barrack Obama and Peter Soros, a One World Order supporter, funneled financial support from Soro's "Open Society" organization and, in turn, Soros was instrumental in introducing it to the United Nations which then adopted as it was funded and helped along by the Tides Foundation, another Soros' front organization.

Why approve another "Obama Rubber Stamp" who feels the U.S. is no longer "the indispensable nation" as Bill Clinton's last Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright once said? And, Jennifer Power is protecting our United States sovereignty against International Laws and Treaties with her liberal agenda? ...Not really!
Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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