Hillary's General David Betray-Us
Monday, February 10, 2014 at 1:11PM
D.K. Dickey in 2016 Presidential Elections, 9/11 Benghanzi Attack, Afghanistan War, Bengazi Attack Coverup, Election Voting Issues, General Petraeus, Hillary for President, Hillary for President 2016, Iraq War, Islamic Terrorists, Israel Politics, Obama Policies, Obama Scandals, Terrorism, Washington Politics

I have thought about the core value of integrity with Hillary Clinton running for the office of President, and very well aware of the political theater and jockeying for favor that characterizes her climb, that from any vantage point of many in the race views Hillary's 'integrity' as, ...just another word in the dictionary located somewhere between 'incest' and 'intercourse.' --one doesn't know whether to feel molested or violated by her sleazy style politics. 

In the new 'hot off the presses' revisionist biographical tome called 'HRC,' Hillary Rodham Clinton, an extremely volitile 'Petraeus' quote has now appeared for public voter consumption: 

"General David Petraeus praised Hillary Clinton as a potential president, specifically citing what many consider her biggest obstacle as a candidate: her role as Secretary of State overseeing the American compound in Benghazi when it was attacked in 2012."

“She’d make a tremendous president,” Petraeus said. “Like a lot of great leaders, her most impressive qualities were most visible during tough times. In the wake of the Benghazi attacks, for example, she was extraordinarily resolute, determined, and controlled.” [Following the attack, she was extraordinarily controlled by controlling the narrative that the attack was actually a spontaneous protest, sparked by a YouTube video]

This surprising revelation of Hillary for President in 2016 is absolutely hysterical. General David Petraeus was excoriated by radical, rabid left-wing liberals as 'General Betray-us' lying about the War in Iraq, who is now the one they all hang onto with every utterance as sweet honey dripping from his golden tongue in Hillary's new book-- as if his oratorical mea culpa revelation is supposed to exonerate Hillary Clinton for the Benghazi attack debacle?

The $64 thousand dollar question is if the politician who, as a senator, [Hillary] accused General Petraeus of lying in his testimony before the Senate, who later admitted in front of then-Secretary of Defense Bob Gates that she had opposed the US military surge in Iraq for purely political purposes; then, Why is Petraeus endorsing Hillary Clinton? ..."Please answer that question!" ..."Bueller? ...Bueller? ...Bueller? ...Anyone?"  [From comedy movie, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", spoken by Ben Stein, then actor & now Conservative Pundit]


Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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