Hillary & Jeb's Game of Three-Card Monte 
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 12:57PM
D.K. Dickey in 2016 Presidential Elections, Bush-Clinton Presidential Race 2016, Election Voting Issues, Govt. Nanny State, Hillary Clinbton, Hillary for President 2016, Islamic Terrorists, Jeb Bush, Obama Background Issues, Opinions & Ideas, U.N. Agenda 21, U.S. Budget Issues, U.S. Constituitional Law, U.S. Federal Bailouts Programs, U.S. Laws, U.S. Presidential Elections, Voter Fraud, Wall Street Bailout, Washington Politics

Will 'Real Candidates' be running in 2016?


"Voting for Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush after the leadership train wreck of what was the eight years under Barack Hussein Obama is like losing your pay check playing a rigged game of three-card Monte and then playing the same game again a week later 'cause the cards are a different color." ~ Anon. (No racial slur intended)

Wow, I didn't realize how true that person got it as we all are looking into the 2016 elections for the next President. It's also a problem about the two prospective candidates running, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, both have last names connected to former candidates that have been revered from their respective sides as great Presidents. I will concede that they both were less destructive than Obama, but both spent the taxpayer's monies with no regard to spending or balancing budgets. I will quickly summarize:  

Bill Clinton did not leave office with 'the only balanced budget in recent history,' he accomplished it with smoke and mirrors.

Clinton feverishly spent us into massive debt along with the Republican majority controlled Congress and transferred all 'social security funds' over into the treasury to balance his deficit and left an I.O.U. in the Fed Bank vault as uncollateralized notes guaranteed under the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. These debts are not included in the OMB National Debt line items which allows them to miraculously appear in the balance sheets with income or taxes, as assets to 'balance the budget deficit.' The Social Security 'lock box' that held its funds was pillaged and not repaid--now you can see why its under water and in a financial dilemma today while leaving social security retirees with less benefits. 

G.W. Bush, on the other hand, never met a spending bill that he ever vetoed either. He increased spending and had exercised little further oversight into the whole Wall Street debacle with homes sales and sub-prime mortgages ultimately sold as 'unregulated derivatives.' All of these flaky Sub-prime mortgages increased from $18.5 billion in 1995 to $507.9 billion in 2005 which was a disaster waiting to happen and it did under both Bush and Clinton. The bank act, TARP or the Troubled Asset Recovery Program, wrongly bailed out the banks which should have declared bankruptcy and reorganized under the bankruptcy court's scrutiny--that would have probably dug up too many political land mines for both parties. Still, in turn, the Federal government could have stood behind the depositors with their FDIC guaranteed monies in the meantime while the banks reorganized without the taxpayers bailing them out. But, Washington power politics favor the banking lobbyists in power with a taxpayer bail out.--Obama continued on with further bail outs while citing his Republican predecessor did it too. 

So, can we assume that Jeb and Hillary will continue those family policies?--Ah, yeah!  There are several important key issues to consider as a non-partisan voter: 

NOTE:  Please see my September 14, 2013 blog - I saw it coming then..

RINO - DEMO Obamacon Party Logo

Bush-Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign On

*The Obamacon Party* - A choice between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton is interchangeable, both liberals will spit out warmed-over pap what voters want to hear in their Presidential 2016 campaign races.   

Serious Political Accusations:

Jeb is currently working as an advisor for a large Wall Street firm. This certainly bodes ill for his image as he is on the payroll with one of the biggest firms on Wall Street. Bush is the only major candidate who has a direct tie to a big Wall Street investment bank as a paid advisor, a role that began in 2007 after his second term as Florida governor ended and he was hired by banking firm Lehman Brothers and in 2009 transitioning to Barclay's. But hold on, it may be much ado about nothing, read about Hillary.

Hillary is currently on the Board of Directors with the Wall Street firm of BlackRock Investments and very close with Larry Fink, Founder, a large Democrat donor and a U.S. Treasury Secretary choice under Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton. BlackRock is easily the biggest investor in the world, with $4.1 trillion of directly controlled assets (almost as much as all private-equity and hedge funds put together) and another $11 trillion it oversees through its trading platform, Aladdin. 

Question: Who will throw out the Wall Street smear as Campaign attack ads?

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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