Friday, September 19, 2014 at 12:30PM
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The Real Threat from ISIL

By Ronald Kessler

The current debate over the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant misses the real threat: a weapons of mass destruction attack that would cause massive casualties.

In interviews for my book "The Secrets of the FBI," Robert S. Mueller III told me when he was FBI director [September 4, 2001 - September 4, 2013] that what keeps him awake at night is the possibility of a terrorist attack using radiological biological, or chemical weapons that would wipe out millions of Americans in cities like New York and Washington.

Given that ISIL has more than $1 billion in cash and additional millions coming in from oil revenue every week, it would be easy for the terrorist group to buy off an expert who could unleash such an attack within the next month or two. Since ISIL members include Americans with U.S. passports, bringing such weapons into this country would be no problem at all. 

Thus, those who say ISIL poses no immediate threat to the homeland because no credible plot has yet been detected or would only shoot up some people in a shopping mall or knock down a building are as wrong as those who thought before 9/11 that al Qaeda consisted of a bunch of cavemen who could never launch a major attack on the U.S. 

Even a WMD attack that does not kill a great number of people would have a crushing psychological impact.

"A singular lone wolf individual can do things in the dark of the night with access to a laboratory with low quantities of material and could hurt a few people but create a devastating effect on the American psyche," according to Dr. Vahid Majidi, who was the FBI’s assistant director in charge of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate. 

In the event of an EMP attack, the electrical power grid would be destroyed because its computers would be inoperative. Transformers critical to it would take years to replace. The vast majority of Americans would die from starvation or disease or would freeze to death, according to Dr. William Graham, who was chairman of the bipartisan congressional Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from EMP Attack. And those exposed to biological, radiological, or chemical weapons would die horrible deaths. 

BIO: Ronald Kessler, a former Washington Post and Wall Street Journal investigative reporter, is the author of "The Secrets of the FBI" and "The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents".  

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (
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