Obama Gives Away U.S. Internet Free Speech
Monday, September 8, 2014 at 1:14PM
D.K. Dickey in 1st Amendment Law, 2016 Presidential Elections, China Issues, Civil Rights Issues, FCC Rules, Fed Policies, Free Speech, Freedom of Speech, Freedom on Internet, Govt. Nanny State, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Hillary for President 2016, Internet Issues, Internet Laws, Media Bias, Obama Administration, Obama Background Issues, Obama Internet Policies, Obama Policies, Privacy Issues, Progressive Liberal Programs, Socialist Programs, Terrorism, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Laws, U.S. Politics, U.S. Presidential Elections, United Nations Affairs, Washington Politics

The U.S. Internet ICANN issue is on target for international turnover next year as authoritarian governments seek control unless we all complain to our Senators and Congressmen--we need to act now in order to avoid it! 

"The Obama administration plan to give up U.S. protection of the open Internet won't take effect for a year, but authoritarian governments are already moving to grab control."--The Internet Commerce Association, which represents Web businesses, warns that the proposal "would transform Icann into a government-led organization," which is "completely counter" to the U.S. requirement that the Internet remain free of government control. They will suppress free speech. Where is YOUR outrage here?  YOUR Internet will be monitored and censored!

The World Wide Web, the Internet is teetering on the brink of collapse into an evil abyss. How many ways to Sunday do I have to emphasize that OBAMA KNOWS NOTHING? "Much of the blame for the splintering of the multistakeholder system lies with Mr. Obama's naïveté in putting Internet governance up for grabs. He underestimated the importance of Washington's control in maintaining an open Internet—and the desire among other governments to close the Internet. And there still is no plan to keep Icann free from control by governments."--sound like any of Obama's other plans like how to handle the Islamic State terrorism? Scary??

"Obama Administration officials pledged to Congress that "the U.S. would keep control over the Internet" if (1) the alternative was to empower other governments or (2) if there isn't full accountability for Icann. Both red lines have been crossed.

If Mr. Obama persists, Congress should block his plan with a simple message: The open Internet is too valuable to surrender." 



Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (http://www.rovalocity.com/).
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