The Hijra Highway - Dead-End Road for U.S. 
Friday, May 8, 2015 at 4:10PM
D.K. Dickey in 2016 Presidential Elections, Christian Beliefs, Civil Rights Issues, Conservative Values, Election Voting Issues, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Hillary for President 2016, Immigration Issues, Islamic Terrorists, Jeb Bush for President 2016, Mexican Drug Wars, Mexican Politics, Mexico Border, Middle Class Warfare, Muslim Beliefs, Muslim Colonization of U.S., Muslim Extremists, Muslim Terrorists, Obama Administration, Obama Policies, ObamaCare, Progressive Liberal Programs, Quran Teachings, Racial Matters, Religious Issues, Socialist Programs, Taxation Issues, Terrorism, The Hijra, U.N. Agenda 21, U.S. Budget Issues, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Laws, U.S. Military Affairs, U.S. Politics, U.S. Presidential Elections, Unfair Immigration Laws taxes voters, United Nations Affairs, Voter Fraud, Voter Laws, Washington Politics

"Hijri" is the Muslim colonization of countries as commanded by Mohammed to dominate the nations of world to establish Sharia laws--Muslims literally have been scampering down through porous borders onto U.S. highways while settling across the nation. Our own uber-liberal U.S. government under Federal agencies are enabling this to happen on such a grand scale of immigration numbers without anyone mentioning it on either side of aisle these days, why? ...maybe voters just too stupid to know??

Ann Corcoran has put together a very through book that she heavily researched. This short 4 minute video touches on main points to share with you, the reader, to understand this alarming trend.  

Time: 04.00

Witness some of these major changes now: Sharia Law has a sturdy foothold in Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York and New Jersey. In New York and New Jersey old Muslim men are being allowed to marry 10-14 year old girls and parade the marriage couples down the streets in these two states; the police/government officials do nothing. In both Minnesota & Wisconsin there are entire counties where there are postings for "outsiders to stay out" as Sharia Law is in effect. U.S. Law enforcement and government officials stay clear of these areas for fear of reprisals! America is losing it's grip on Freedom! 

Bio: Ann Corcoran is an independent blogger, a truly unpaid patriotic individual, who started out to get the word out about the atrocious refugee situation in the United States. Ann's widely-read blog website,, has become another true bell-weather warning on how the political climate in our country has tilted dangerously way off radical left-wing in a death knell for our very secular democracy. She has appeared on national television shows, a frequent guest speaker and heard in radio interviews. Ann Corcoran says, "We also educate with articles from around the world on refugees, so readers know what is happening elsewhere."

In the defense of her own information blog Ann Corcoran further adds, "So one final thing, we don’t care what you call us!" -- "[Also] some of you reading this have for way too long intimidated and silenced people you disagree with by calling them racists, xenophobes, hatemongers and on and on and on. It doesn’t work here, in fact, when you start with that sort of attack and don’t address the issues we raise, it validates our work." [Ann does not waste time or energy with useless debating.]

Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (
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