Is the U.S. Color-Blind? - See the Whole Spectrum!
Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 1:58PM
D.K. Dickey in 1st Amendment Law, 2016 Presidential Elections, Civil Rights Issues, Civil Rights movement, Conservative Values, Education Policies, Election Voting Issues, Fed Policies, Govt. Nanny State, Govt. Programs & Regulations, Hillary for President 2016, Jeb Bush for President 2016, Labor Laws, Main Stream Media Bias, Media Bias, Obama Administration, Obama Background Issues, Obama Policies, Progressive Liberal Programs, Racial Matters, Saul Alinsky , Taxation Issues, U.S. Budget Issues, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Federal Bailouts Programs, U.S. Laws, U.S. Politics, U.S. Presidential Elections, U.S. Race Issues, Voter Fraud, Voter Laws, Washington Politics

Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton



Many people in the U.S. speak about only the Black and White races as the color issue, but did you know black and white are not colors? 




FYI: The correspondence of a color to a specific wavelength is called spectral color. White and black are excluded from this definition because they do not have specific wavelengths. White is not defined as a color because it is the sum of all possible colors. Black is not defined as a color because it is the absence of light, and therefore color. 

Anthropology founder Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752–1840), created the universal categorical reference of the five color typology for humans: white, black, yellow, red, and brown. 

So what's the point here? Maybe it's time to give the full multicultural spectrum of all skin colors recognition for their issues too within all racial discussions instead of focusing just on Blacks.

It is primarily for this reason that the Black complaints start to fall apart. They're still blaming current living conditions due to their past slavery and civil injustices. It has happened to everyone else and they all have moved on to all types of goals and achievements.  Let's take a look at the historical data: 

Most Blacks today were not alive or even personally know anyone over these years as the United States passed laws and society evolved into the most free democracy for all:

What are the exact racial breakdowns according to the U.S. Census Bureau for Blacks and other races?

Note: The 2013 U.S. Census table actually reports the broad category of "White alone" as 77.7%; but Under closer inspection that table has another "White alone, not Hispanic or Latino" as 62.6%. Why is that bigger White percentage even shown in their published table? We did omit it here in our table above to avoid confusion as it overstates a larger White majority percentage over the Black minority category. The table had double counted the "Hispanic or Latino" in "Whites only" and then again entered as a separate line item on the list too. Are any minority statistics misrepresentations here used to base Federal Government assistance and give-away programs on throughout the country? ...hmmn.

The 2013 Census table shows besides the 62.2% Whites alone, another whopping 26.2% of the population are not Black; but they are a minority group that is twice as big as 13.2% Blacks. Ask yourself--why don't you see that 26.2% on TV demonstrating in streets, burning down communities, destroying local businesses while killing each other, doing ilicit drugs, crimes and filling jails or prisons? ...hmmn.

Don't kid yourself though, there are all groups involved in crimes besides Blacks. However, the liberal biased mainstream media always depicts Blacks in network news shows, but why? The riots and demonstrations are politically selected when only Black people are in police involved shootings, others races are deliberately underreported. So, all the card games are dealt only with Black and White cards in stacked decks with the Race cards wild!


Article originally appeared on My Oval Office (
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