Obama 2015 & Hitler 1938 - Both Big Deal Failures

Obama's big nuke deal is "turn the other cheek" on steroids. Iran has been at war against us since 1979, when Obama was just a dope smoking child. And Iran has sponsored more terrorism and murdered more Americans than any other country since…Without Iran there would be no Syrian al-Assad, no Palestinian Hamas, no Islamic I.S.I.S. and no Lebanese Hezbollah!
So how does America respond to Iran? ...
- By giving Iran hundreds of billions of dollars in frozen assets.
The Iran deal will provide a $150 billion cash windfall as sanctions are eased with an additional $20 billion per year in oil revenues, making the deal worth $420 billion over 15 years. If so, the Iran deal would give more cash to Iran than the $124.3 billion U.S. has given in total aid to Israel since 1948.
- By allowing Iran self-inspections of nuclear sites for rules infractions.
- By promising Iran protection of nuclear plants by the U.S. if attacked.
That's how Obama's America responds to the murder of Americans; by making it easier for Iran to murder more Americans without fear. And knowing there are no real consequences, who wonders why Putin has publicly shown such contempt for America with impunity?
This Iranian deal is a thousand times more reprehensible than that piece of worthless paper Neville Chamberlain brought back from his 1938 meeting with Adolph Hitler:
In 1919, at the end of the First World War in The Treaty of Versailles the map of Europe was re-drawn where several new countries were formed which was intended to make a lasting peace. Hitler, however, coveted and wanted the return of annexed German land. Many people felt that the Treaty had caused terrible resentment in Germany on which Hitler had been able to play in order to achieve power. Some governments believed that Hitler and Germany had genuine grievances, but that if these could be met (‘appeased’) Hitler would be satisfied and become less demanding.
As a result of The Treaty of Versailles, three million Germans found themselves living in a part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland and when Adolf Hitler came to power, he wanted to unite all Germans into one nation. Hitler orchestrated and fomented civil unrest with protests to bolster his argument for German unification.
During this situation, the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, flew toBritish Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, right, speaks to Adolf Hitler's interpreter Paul Schmidt during their meeting at the Hotel Dreesen at Godesberg, Germany, in September 1938 only three days before signing Treaty. meet Hitler at Berchtesgaden, his German Bavarian Alps private mountain retreat in an attempt to resolve the crisis. Hitler was capable of being charming, of lying and of bullying; all personal attributes that truly enhanced his negotiation powers while on his rise.
On September 29, 1938 at Munich, Germany British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain got an international agreement that Hitler should have the Sudetenland in exchange for Germany making no further demands for land in Europe. Chamberlain really believed that Hitler was a man of his word.
Chamberlain said it was ‘Peace for our time’. Hitler said he had ‘No
Eger, Czech Republic 1938 - Greet German Troops Soldiers or more territorial demands to make in Europe.’ In the Munich Agreement, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s peace appeasement policy only made war more likely because Hitler thought he could get away with anything.
On October 1, 1938, only two days later, German troops occupied the Sudetenland: Hitler had got what he wanted without firing a shot.
On September 3, 1939, Prime Minister Chamberlain went to the airwaves to announce a state of war with Germany. It was in response to Hitler's invasion of Poland, Britain and France, World War II had begun.
And now because past history has disproved Neville Chamberlain's assumptions, we know better ...or do we? Some apologists erroneously restated later that Chamberlain’s appeasement policy bought a valuable year for Britain to get ready for the war which was bound to come--say what? ...and that was in Chamberlain's plans during those annexation talks?--I don't think so! ...But are we doing that today in Obama's Iranian agreement?

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