My Ukraine - United States War History

In 2008, I went on a family vacation to the Baltic Sea nations of Poland, the Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, including the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. We also traveled to Russia into the port at Saint Petersburg.
It was an incredible trip because my family experienced firsthand these people that have suffered so much in recent years in wars. Their national pride was obvious as they rebuilt and restored many of the towns and villages that were destroyed in the second world war end other regional wars during the 1950s.
The citizens that we encountered were a proud people who appreciated their National heritage and their freedom from Russian communism. Their International threat proves to all liberal Democrats that Socialism is deadly and a weak leadership of the United States is presently unable, or unwilling, to fight for its own Constitutional rights. This is our rule of law, but all Americans are being sold we can change it and so many are not buying it – no sale! It is another big wake up call for Americans to stand tall to defend it or we lose it.
I hope this international dilemma will not be forgotten by my children and grandchildren and then wasted on the trash heap of history. We have to remember every day as we go forward to fight left-wing, communist, socialist attacks or we also lose our own freedom.
As a sidenote, it is interesting that the Ukraine government issued firearms to all its citizens 18 to 65 to defend their nation. In the United States we have our Second Amendment rights which defends the right to bear arms, so we all have our own personal weapons. It is laughable that both China and Russia realize that of the 340 million people in the states, there is over 500 million firearms in homes all across the nation.
If our nation was attacked on its soil, it would be a bloodier, deadlier, catastrophic war than the 1861-1865 U.S. Civil War when we lost over 625,000 lives. Now, that is a chilling reality!
God Bless America!
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