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Entries in Kavanaugh hearings (7)


Courts in Session - Here Come Da Judge! ...Here Come Da Judge!

Jest becuz Ford sez it's so! ain't so!

Can Christine Blasey-Ford deny any connections to President Trump's bad actors?  ...Hmmn


Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation has significant ties to the liberal financier” George Soros. In June 2018, The Daily Caller found that Demand Justice, “a new political advocacy group vowed to put $5 million behind an effort to stop the confirmation …"  

  • Demand Justice, a 501(c)(4) social welfare org., established in 2018, gets its money from the Sixteen Thirty Fund — it reported receipts of $2.2 million from the Soros’ Open Society Policy Center between the years of 2012 and 2016. 

Demand Justice’s entire mission is to advance the Democratic agenda via the U.S. court system.

Brian Fallon, DJ exec. director, “[Our goal is to] sensitize rank-and-file progressives to think of the courts as a venue for their activism and a way to advance the progressive agenda,” as he told The New York Times.


Brian Fallon was the spokesman for the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and he had previously been at the Justice Department and then worked on Capitol Hill for Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader.  

FACTS:  Connect all ... dots together for whole story!

  • Ralph Blasey, brother of Christine Blasey-Ford, worked for Baker Hostetler, the Hillary-DNC-Podesta law firm that retained...
  • Fusion GPS – the primary fixer of "opposition research" for the Clintons and the Democratic Party that subcontracted with... 
  • Christopher Steele, a British intelligence officer, to produce the unverified Russian dossier, spiked by...
  • Rod Rosenstein, Deputy DA, into phony FISA warrants, then sparking the ongoing... 
  • Robert Mueller, Special Counsel, Russian collusion investigation witch hunt.  
  • Debra Katz, Blasey-Ford Attorney, is a well-known civil activist lawyer who marched in several anti-Trump demonstrations, works for a company that makes the abortion pill, has a lawyer with ties to Soros and has an adviser who has worked for Biden, Clinton and Obama. She is also the one that brought Anita Hill out again to the spotlight for this hearing. 


Judge Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Letter

Senator Feinstein D., (CA) waited until late last week to provide the damning letter to the FBI -- only after a news report surfaced detailing the  existence of the letter about a drunken high-school party in the 1980s, an alleged bedroom assault, decades of silence, and then followed by a documented conversation with a therapist in 2012.

The allegations of sexual misconduct as a teenager that began swirling on Friday now have a name behind them, Professor Christine Blasey Ford. Her disturbing details, although somewhat patchy recall are due to the passage of 37 years since. However, she is a teaching mental health professor, an uber-liberal Psychology Researcher from Palo Alto University in CA. who knows how to present her case well just like any paid professional witness can also do under oath. As a side-note, Christine understands the issues at hand through past political experience in anti-Trump protests.

Christine's school located within the tight geographical area of silicon valley, is the epicenter for the confluence of Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Cisco, Netflix, Oracle, Semantec, and Intel.  Whew! ...for a minute there, I wondered where all the liberals were living - no prejudiced views here.  

Here's the secret letter now made public. It was written in the 10th Grade, which offers further proof of a pattern of a sexual behavior of disgustingly, despicable, high-profile harassment. 

Judge Kavanugh and his accuser are invited to tesify before the senate committee. Christine does not have to prove her case with a preponderance of evidence, just be able to tilt the mirrors in her Funhouse to distort all the facts into one big, fat lie. Let the Supreme Court Showdown begin on Monday, September 24. 2018.

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