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Crude Crud Created Constantly!

Are all Democrats at a new high mark with lowdown sexist attacks? I guess this meme below shows that crystal clear. But, will this message be ever lasting going forward?  Well you see, it was actually created ten years ago to make a filthy-minded statement about our then sitting Republican President - George W. Bush!   

So, times have not changed, those left-wing nut jobs are just a full decade behind the times with the same anti-Republican rhetoric. It's really rich that Democrats are refering to President Bill Clinton escapades to deride a Republican President. Where's the #MeToo movement's comments here? So, just insert a penis onto another young White House aide's mouth. ...And voilà, it's impeachment a la mode!


A Real Magic Act to Follow!

June 1, 2016 - No FAKE News Here

President Obama hit presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for not detailing the ways in which he plans to accomplish certain goals.

During a PBS town hall that aired, Obama referenced Trump's promise to bring back jobs to the United States when talking about manufacturing.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said.

"He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.” 

Barack Obama is back, and he now demands credit for the booming economy. “When you hear how great the economy is doing right now,” he said in a 9/7/2018 speech last week, “let’s just remember when this recovery started.”

That would be in the summer of 2009, but Obama's story is so more complicated. Also as a community organizer, Obama never ran any businesses either which further explains his personal weakness.

Milton Friedman was the first economist to notice a pattern in American economic history: The deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy has to grow even faster than normal for a while to catch up to where it would have been without the recession. The fundamentals of America’s world-leading economy are so strong that the pattern held throughout the country’s entire history. Wow, what a huge fact for all Democrat Progressive Socialists to deny!  ...I do hear noisy crickets!

Until the past decade. The 2008-09 recession was so bad, the economy should have come roaring back with a booming recovery—even stronger than Reagan’s boom in the 1980s. But Mr. Obama carefully, studiously pursued the opposite of every pro-growth policy Reagan had followed.

Obama's 2% real growth GDP over eight years was the "new normal". The American dream was over. Get used to it. Hillary promised to continue it, but President Trump changed course to drive a boom over 4%.

What Obama got was the worst recovery from a U.S. recession since the Great Depression!   Hmmn...  Don't hear any denials at all!


Build the Wall or Not?

Just ask yourselves these four quick questions:

  • Do you believe we should open the borders to let everyone cross them even more? ...Unlimited immigration?
  • How about  if we limit guns in the United States so it wil curb their gang violence? ...Does that make a difference?  
  • Did you know the MS-13 gang does prefer to kill with knifes and machates as it is more painful to their ememies?  ...Now where did that ldea come from?  ...Ice.  ...Border Patrol?  
  • Have you heard that President Trump even called the MS-13 gang members animals? ...Where did he get such ideas? 

  Is there any proof to Trump's claims?    ...Nope.  Just Fake News!


30 Reasons why this guy died - No one used a butter knife! 



Another Reason to Vote in November 2018

A very staunch, liberal, left-wing Democrat friend just sent me this picture of his recent New York City trip that he took with family and some friends. I won't tell you who he is or his wife in the picture will get very mad and angry if I also said her sister and girlfriend along with their three daughters and brother were in the picture too.  ....Ooops!  

Does this picture of Democrats say it all for you? It sure says it all for me. They have finally nothing left except to stick their middle finger up in the air to say, "Hello America, we are a group of fucking stupid people who don't know what the fuck to do, but we look like a bunch of fucking idiots by giving all the people in the United States the middle finger to say Fuck You." Golly, does that say it all?   Almost,  ....they are all morons too!

This is Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids. These kinds of people are the ten-second sound bite voters who see all through their iPhones a world programmed and synchronized through social media. This is the mainstream media  at work to completely destroy American values.

These uneducated and uninformed voters never studied in public schools about any U.S. History, U.S. Civics, U.S. Social Studies or Western Civilization from pre-history to the early modern era which include cultures from ancient Greece, Rome, and Christian institutions of the Middle Ages and the emergence of national monarchies in western Europe. Understanding where our American values originated from enable U.S. citizens to know how our free society and country flourishes and runs under our democratic principals and U.S. Constitution.

Currently, social and political indoctrination by progressive educators commonly manifests itself in an emphasis on issues like environmentalism and multiculturalism with racial diversity and victimology. They emphasize no national U.S. pride, but instead a reeducation of students for accepting a globalist society under a one world government. U.S. capitalism and societal values are devalued and spurned by these progressive teaching scholars who say we should all get everything for freee!! ...and just who pays for it? ...Socialism?

Our future is here now and we will suffer because basic education values have eroded. So, the November 2018 vote is very important if we are to keep the Trump Agenda going onward through his second term. 


John McCain Memories & Tribute RIP


This USA Today paper's account below of Friday's US Capitol rotunda funeral service is clearly correct: 

Social media was abuzz Friday about the look on on Meghan McCain's face as Vice President Mike Pence spoke during a memorial service for her father, the late Sen. John McCain, in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda Friday. It's no secret that there is little love lost between the McCains and President Donald Trump. Trump was not invited to McCain's memorial services, making the president's loyal VP the highest-ranking member of the White House present at the Capitol ceremony.
"The president asked me to be here, on behalf of a grateful nation, to pay a debt of honor and respect to a man who served his country throughout his life," Pence said at the memorial.
Later, Pence added, "As President Trump said yesterday, we respect his service to the country."
At that point during his remarks, Meghan McCain's eyes appeared to snap on Pence. At almost that same point, people who were watching the service live began commenting on Twitter about her reaction, which some users described as a "side-eye."

However, Saturday's message is even clearer verbally in the eulogy by Meghan "The View" McCain, a RINO Republican. At at the crowded, humongous, public Washington Cathedral funeral Meghan shot a direct broadside slam-down on our President Trump about his campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again" as cheap campaign rhetoric.

Meghan was way over-leaning forward on the pulpit dais with her angry faced scowl as she went further off the rails ranting under a guttural growl with an anti-Trump bark, "We don't need American great again because America was always great." At that moment, out of the coffin, she looked just like her dad when he would angrily attack his opponents as she shouted it was an empty slogan.

And so, I ask her why the American public never bought any of John McCain's 2008 slogan -"Bold Solutions. A leader we can believe in Reform • Prosperity • Peace"? It also implied doing a change on a lot of things for the better too. However, I admit it was lame, empty-worded aimless palaver and mediocre politician sayings used that meant nothing, just some words to print on bumper stickers and campaign signs.

So after all, remember John McCain went down in defeat big time with all his own great ideas to make America better too. After Dole, Bush 1, Romney, and McCain, I was always getting tired of Republicans losing again; after all, I would rather it be winning again. They never mentioned about winning, except Obama said for the USA to lead from behind.

Total Electoral votes: McCain's 173 vs. Obama's 345 vs. Trump's 304 to Hilary's 227 says it all.  I guess the people screamed loudly we needed to "Make America Great Again!" because it was indeed degraded by the Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations since Reagan ended in January, 1989. It took 27 years to turn around with a new Admiral at the helm of our ship, the U.S.A., and go full steam ahead to Make America Great Again.

So today, it was pure John McCain vitriol being spewed out as a huge soundbite from his bowels inside his casket out to the TDS hungry FAKE News media.  After all, their so called big news soundbites this past week of impeachment movement scenarios of new Russian collusion were furiously spit up and out as they fizzled on the ground. 

Many Americans are eternally grateful that these public displays are over with a private burial scheduled in Anapolis for Sunday at the U.S. Naval Academy so at last voters can enjoy the silence from the grave. Etched into many voter's minds are the memory of John McCain's thumbs-down gesture on the Senate floor that was a middle finger high up in the air on defeating Obamacare to all right-thinking conservatives and a lowdown dog whistle to all his democrat senate cronies that he was still in the tank for their liberal values. What a sad legacy.

We do give a RIP about America! 

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