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Entries by D.K. Dickey (74)


Muslim History Molds Obama Choices for Future  

Islam is the religion of about one billion people and is a rapidly growing faith, particularly in Africa but also elsewhere in the world. The United States, for example, boasts almost a million converts to Islam (plus an even larger number of Muslim immigrants). The last of the three major Middle Eastern monotheisms, Muslims believe that their faith improves on the earlier ones. In their telling, Judaism and Christianity are but defective variants of Islam, which is God's final, perfect religion. 

If you go back far in history...

Adopting the world's clearly false, politically correct (PC) view of the place of the Crusades in history, Muslims have claimed the First Crusades were where the East first met the West, as if the Christians had invented the concept of a holy war against them. However, in examining the timing of many epoch events from 2 A.D. to 1099 A.D., sequentially prior to the First Crusades, they disprove that claim entirely. 

East and West had been fighting for at least 1,500 years before the first Crusade. The Romans established by bloody military conquest colonies in Mesopotamia, northwestern Arabia, and Assyria in the second century A.D. The Greek, Alexander the Great, attempted to conquer all of Asia, as far as India, in the fourth century B.C.  The Persians invaded Europe in an attempt to conquer the Greeks in the fifth century B.C.

In 624 A.D., Mohammed was a merchant in Arabia who had led a raid for booty and plunder against a Meccan caravan, killing 70 Meccans for mere material gain.

Between 630 A.D. and the death of Mohammed in 632 A.D., Muslims -- on at least one occasion led by Mohammed -- had conquered the bulk of western Arabia and southern Palestine through approximately a dozen separate invasions and bloody conquests. These conquests were in large part their own "Holy wars."

In 632 A.D., after Mohammed's death, the new Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr, launched Islam through invasion and war into almost 1,500 years of continual imperialist, colonialist, bloody conquest and subjugation of others, a role Islam continues to this very day.

From 632 A.D. to 661 A.D., Muslim conquests of the Levant, Christians suffered from the murderous invasions of Muslim conquerors who killed tens of thousands of Christians through four-and-one-half centuries of Muslim imperialist, colonialist conquest, made slaves and eunuchs of Christians for the pleasure of the caliphs, burned down or sacked the holiest churches in Christendom, robbed and killed thousands of Christians on holy pilgrimage, brutally sacked and pillaged Jerusalem, and pillaged the countryside of Israel.

In 732 AD the Muslim Army which was moving on Paris was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martel. 

In 1096–1099, the First Crusade started as a widespread pilgrimage (France and Germany) and ended as a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant (632–661). The Crusaders ultimately won resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099 AD. The murderous and pillaging acts of the Crusaders when they entered Jerusalem were barbaric, unchristian, and evil. This is particularly so as those acts were carried on in the name of a religion of peace, love, and forgiveness to free the people of the Holy Land from their brutal masters and reclaim Christianity's holiest places for free Christian worship. Hatred had spurred the battles on as retributions were meted out in the victorious aftermath of the Crusades. Again, the bloody history of Islamic-Christian clashes did not end there; only to be fought in another day.

It illustrated the bitter divide between the Muslims against Christians and Jews which continues on with the violent actions of Muslims in the twenty-first century to regain their territorial claims with the annilation of Jerusalem Jews and establishment of a Muslim Palestinian State.

In 1571 AD the Muslim Army/Navy attacked southern Europe in the Battle of Le Panto and was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean Sea.

In 1683 AD the Turkish Muslim Army, attacked Eastern Europe and was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

This fighting has been going on over 1,400 years. Most U.S. politicians don't even know about history which makes them clueless to understand the upcoming Muslim Caliphate in the Middle East!

On Infidels - Non-Believers...

Christianity would be non-existent if those battles had not been won; we would be all speaking Arabic.

Judaism certainly would have been annihilated... And let us not forget that Hitler was an admirer of Islam and that the Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's guest in Berlin who raised Bosnian Muslim SS Divisions: the 13th and 21st Waffen SS Divisions killing Jews, Russians, Gypsies, and any other types of 'subhumans'.


A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

Pause a moment, reflect back. These Muslim atrocities are from recent history. ...over the past fifty years to present.

Do you remember?... 

1. In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, a Muslim. In 1989, he told interviewer David Frost, "My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians." Some scholars believe that the assassination was the first major incident of political violence in the United States stemming from the Arab–Israeli conflict in the Middle East.

2. In 1972, at the Munich Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslims.

3. In 1972, a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach, it was blown up shortly after landing by Muslims.

4. In 1973, a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome, with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslims.

5. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over and 52 hostages taken 444 days by Muslims.

6. In the 1980's, Americans kidnapped with 25 hostages taken, two killed, in Lebanon by Muslims.

7. In 1983, Beirut US Marine barracks was blown up, 241 soldiers killed by Muslims.

8. In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslims.

9. In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslims.

10. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie, Scotland bombing) was a Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit  was bombed by Muslims killing all 259 passengers and crew on board.

11. In 1993, the World Trade Center was first bombed with 6 killed, 100 wounded by Muslims.

12. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed with 258 killed and 5,000 injured by Muslims.

13. In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers who killed 17 sailors, while in port in Aden, Yemen for refueling. The attack was attributed to al Qaeda Muslims and foreshadowed the attack on the U.S. less than one year later on September 11, 2001.

14. In 2001, on 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. About 3,000 people were killed by Muslims.

15. In 2002, the United States began a war in Afghanistan against al Queda and as of June 2014  up to 2,164 soldiers have been killed by Muslim terrorists.

16. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded in Afghanistan by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a Muslim.

17. In 2012, on 9/11/12, U.S. Benghazi diplomatic mission was attacked and four Americans killed including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Mgt. Officer Sean Smith, security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty by Muslim terrorists. 

18. In 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing 4 Innocent people including a child killed, 264 injured by Muslims. 

The Obama 'Cut and Run' Doctrine has doomed the Middle East to war since theObama confers with Sec of State Hillary Clinton. Caliphate is now on the march, has not relented or been apologetic for any overt aggressions in the Middle Eastern region. Talking about peace is now over and that was all that Obama had anyway in his military arsenal after his Arab Spring 'feel-good' strategies for kumbaya moments. Now that U.S. foreign policy is in a hapless position, like Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone with the Wind', Obama says, "I'll think about that Tomorrow....After all, Tomorrow is another Day!" and so Obama has turned his attentions homeward ignoring any further military incursions abroad.

Obama clearly explains his Egyptian foreign policies.Here in the United States our major national policies are in flux due to those efforts being diverted to domestic issues by the Obama administration. Now American politics to bolster the outgoing Obama legacy is taking precedence over our defense, safety and well-being of the country. As an outgoing President he is looking for any disparate policy wins to seal his record accomplishments as he comes down to the finish line--it looks pretty slim too; and he knows it.

So Muslim History shapes Obama's future just like Jimmy Carter suffering under the Iran Hostage Crisis, except this time the President will not be alone.

  • Hillary Clinton, the upcoming Democrat Presidential candidate, was absolutely complicit in crafting major Obama foreign policies and international relations while overseeing his failed affairs as U.S. Secretary of State--not exactly a steller record to stand on--it's really toxic political poison! 



Who was George Washington? - A Hard History Question.

Who was our 1st President? 

I suspect George Washington was your first guess. After all, who else comes to mind?

But think back to your history books - The United States declared its independence in 1776, yet George Washington did not take Office until April 30, 1789.

So who was running the country during these initial years of our young country?--It was the first of actually eight U. S. Presidents before George Washington. 

In fact, the first President of the United States was one John Hanson. I can hear you now - John who? John Hanson was the first President of the United States. 

John Hanson, first President of the United States. Check Google for more detailed information. There was also a U.S. stamp made in his honor.

The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation. This document was actually proposed on June 11, 1776, but not agreed upon by Congress until November 15, 1777. Maryland refused to sign this document until Virginia and New York ceded their western lands (Maryland was afraid that these states would gain too much power in the new government from such large amounts of land).

Once the signing took place in 1781, a President was needed to run the country. John Hanson was chosen unanimously by Congress (which included George Washington). In fact, all the other potential candidates refused to run against him, as he was a major player in the revolution and an extremely influential member of Congress.

As the first President, Hanson had quite the shoes to fill. No one had ever been President and the role was poorly defined. His actions in office would set precedent for all future Presidents. He took office just as the Revolutionary War ended. Almost immediately, the troops demanded to be paid. As would be expected after any long war, there were no funds to meet the salaries. As a result, the soldiers threatened to overthrow the new government and put Washington on the throne as a monarch.

All the members of Congress ran for their lives, leaving Hanson as the only guy left running the government. He somehow managed to calm the troops down and hold the country together. If he had failed, the government would have fallen almost immediately and everyone would have been bowing to King Washington.

Hanson, as President, ordered all foreign troops off American soil, as well as the removal of all foreign flags. This was quite the feat, considering the fact that so many European countries had a stake in the United States since the days following Columbus.

Hanson established the Great Seal of the United States, which all Presidents have since been required to use on all official documents. President Hanson also established the first Treasury Department, the first Secretary of War, and the first Foreign Affairs Department. Lastly, he declared that the fourth Thursday of every November was to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today.

The Articles of Confederation only allowed a President to serve a one year term during any three year period, so Hanson actually accomplished quite a bit in such little time. Seven other presidents were elected after him:

1. John Hanson (1781-82),
2. Elias Boudinot (1782-83),
3. Thomas Mifflin (1783-84),
4. Richard Henry Lee (1784-85),
5. John Hancock (1785-86),
6. Nathan Gorman (1786-87),
7. Arthur St. Clair (1787-88),
8. Cyrus Griffin (1788-89),

....all prior to George Washington taking office.

So what happened? Why don't we hear about the first eight presidents?

It's quite simple - The Articles of Confederation didn't work well. The individual states had too much power and nothing could be agreed upon. A new doctrine needed to be written - something we know as the United States Constitution.

And that leads us to the end of our story. George Washington definitely was not the first President of the United States. He was the first President of the United States under the Constitution we follow today.

And the first eight Presidents have been forgotten in history.


There you are - another lesson in U.S. History and you may have learned something new today.



President Lyndon B. Johnson 1964 Legacy to Obama

President Barack Obama will attend a major summit on Lyndon Johnson’s civil rights legacy at the LBJ Library in Austin on April 10, 2014 the White House confirmed. Obama will deliver a keynote address on the final day of the three-day summit, following presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton on the two previous days. George W. Bush is tentatively scheduled to speak on April 10 as well.

Summit organizers said. “On Thursday, April 10th, President Obama and First Lady will travel to the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas, to deliver remarks at a Civil Rights Summit to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act,” a White House statement said. “Further details about the President and First Lady’s travel to Texas will be made available in the coming days.”

As President Ronald Reagan said, "No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!" 


How true about LBJ's 1965 "Great Society" Agenda!

This legacy goes back fifty years to the passage of "The Great Society" Bill enacted in 1965 by Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, a 'good ole boy Southern Democrat' known for his racially bigotted comments and ways. 

The oft quoted "I'll have niggers voting Democratic for two hundred years" -- in the biography, "LBJ", Inside the White House by Ronald Kessler. The quote is attributed to Robert M. MacMillan, a steward aboard Air Force One Jet.

"[LBJ] called me 'boy,' 'nigger,' or 'chief,' never by my name... Whenever I was late, no matter what the reason, Johnson called me 'a lazy good for nothing nigger'...I was afraid of him because of the pain and humiliation he could inflict at a moment's notice." -- Robert Parker, LBJ's chauffeur, in his autobiography, "Capital Hill in Black and White".

The Democrat party historically was always actively promoting laws that supported racial segregation and had several Ku Klux Klansmen such as: Democrat Senators Robert Byrd, Senator Al Gore Sr., Democrat President Harry S. Truman, Democrat Governors Strohm Thurmond filibustered against civil rights in 1957 and George Wallace blocked black students entry into segregated schools in 1957. As a side note, as a Democrat Senator, JFK himself voted against the 1957 civil rights act too.

President Lyndon B. Johnson was the former longtime U.S. Senate Democrat Majority Whip who was boorish, bullying, boastful and politically savy. Lyndon literally 'white-washed' the Democrat Party past history as he used black voters for pawn pieces on his Washington, D.C. chess board to win their support for his 1964 Presidential race and bragged that his Democrat voter legacy legislation, the 1965 'Great Society' Bill, would last, "for the next 200 years." ~ his own personal bigotry certainly remained. The 1964 'Civil Rights Act' provided the political cache' to win the 1964 Presidential election with a Democrat Majority Congress that enabled LBJ to submit eighty-seven bills to Congress, and Johnson signed eighty-four, or 96% into law for the 1965 'Great Society' Bill's agenda on his 'War on Poverty.'

What has happened to the core of black America since the 1965 'Great Society', the largest reform agenda passed since Roosevelt's New Deal, with a set of domestic programs: Operation Headstart, aid to urban mass transit, a demonstration cities program, a housing act that included rental subsidies, an act for higher education and jobs Corps?

All their families have been destroyed:

  • In 1950, 17 percent of African-American children lived in a home with their mother but not their father. By 2010 that had increased to 50 percent. 
  • In 1965, only eight percent of childbirths in the Black community occurred out-of-wedlock. In 2010 that figure was 41 percent; and today, the out-of-wedlock childbirth in the Black community sits at an astonishing 72 percent. 
  • The number of African-American women married and living with their spouse was recorded as 53 percent in 1950. By 2010, it had dropped to 25 percent.

President Johnson's legacy to Obama is a multi-billion dollar debacle of the largest proportion of waste to the wealth and people of the United States. Obama has learned nothing from his legacy and continues on with the Liberal, Progressive Democrat out-of-control programs bent on destroying the economy and country. 


How Obamacare & Woodrow Wilson Affect Defense 

Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel announced major military cutbacks to reduce troops levels to pre-World War Two size. This in turn will effect a huge cost savings with personnel cuts (people & pensions) and support equipment. But of course, the safety and well-being of the United States will not be affected at all. It should resemble the same type of outcome as that Toreador with el Toro during the bull fight where a bass singer gets quite a lift to become a soprano. ...Ole'!

Believe it not, we can cut our troop strength and still keep our strong defense too. It's something like, "You can get Obamacare and still keep your own doctor too.", even though that got four Pinocchios in the Washington Post and was finally deemed a lie by everyone in the world.

So people, where do you find yourself again? Looking backward and thinking about who was elected as a totally inexperienced, college student-radical activist who joined a small litigation firm with deep Chicago political connections ending up as a junior associate drafting legal motions with a little trial work in courts, then was a community organizer who was elected a Illinois state senator and then a U.S. Senator that had an unremarkable career who mostly voted "present" rather than take on issues to later become the 'Commander-in-Chief' of the world's largest military force in history. When Obama says he never supported the Iraq War from the beginning, he didn't with a senate vote because he was an Illinois State Senator and wasn't a U.S. Senator until January 3, 2005 to be able to vote on it and we were already at war with Iraq since March 20, 2003. 

Obama is using the same play-book that Progressive, Liberal, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson pulled out during his terms in office about military deployment and troop levels. AtPresident Woodrow Wilson the beginning of our entry into World War One, on April 2, 1917, our country had fewer troops than any major nation. Wilson had kept a physical lock on the military in his first term while he was pushing through all of his progressive democrat domestic policies and programs. Wilson's second term winning campaign chant was, "He kept us out of War!," referring to his avoiding open conflict with Germany or Mexico while maintaining his firm national policy. Although concurrently, Germany's u-boats had torpedoed unarmed civilian ships and when they sunk the passenger ship, Lusitania, it provoked an irresistible emotional political appeal to enter America into WW1 against the central powers (German, Austrian & Ottoman empires). It became the impassioned American war cry to "Remember the Lusitania!"

The call of "To the victors goes the spoils!" was irresistible to Wilson as England and France stood to plunder millions in gold from the German Republic Treasury, which was one item on Wilson's ulterior agenda to get into the end fray of the European conflict to reap those riches coming from the WW1 retribution as well as Wilson's disgust for German domestic U.S. epinionage. Wilson was unable,WW1 U.S. Anti-Spy Poster however, to offer the European allies much immediate help in the form of troops since the U.S. Army was only able to muster about 100,000 men at the time of American entrance into the war. To remedy this, Wilson immediately adopted a policy of conscription.

By the time the war stopped eighteen months later, on November 11, 1918, more than 2 million American soldiers had served on the battlefields of Western Europe, and some 50,000 of them had lost their lives, mostly during hastily drawn raw recruit training exercises U.S. state-side and then with the inexperienced U.S. soldiers manning 'mustard-gas' filled trenches of European allied field combat positions. Ironically, the abrupt end was also due to the 1918 'Spanish Flu' which the Allied and Axis powers did not, for strategic reasons, admit to having the disease. That terrible pandemic killed between 50 and 100 million, 3% to 5% world-wide, more than died in WW1.

For Wilson, WW1 ended with miserable results with many of our young boys' whoWW1 Unmarked U.S. Soldiers Graves in Europe lost lives and then the costly loss of equipment and provisions in transit received after WW1 ended only to be abandoned. Wilson was not a war strategist or tactician, he was an ordered intellectual snob who liked to check off enumerated prioritized to-do lists as an erudite Princeton College President and Professor--Obama certainly emulates President Wilson himself. Obama's end-game in our Iraq and Afghanistan wars certainly looks like they resemble how Wilson drew down troops at the end of the WW1 with an Armistice, a truce, where the fighting was stopped, no one won that war. In Obama's case, the U.S. troops will stop fighting and be drawn down and exit while the al Qaeda and Taliban will continue fighting after we leave with no end in sight to ever stop war with the 'Great Satan', the United States.

Our current overall budget woes are not about the tremendous military spending or overruns of the 'discretionary spending' that congress fights budgets over; instead, it is the 'mandatory or non-discretionary spending' that is problematic debt.

So, as of 2011, our 'overall discretionary spending' is 30%, which can be argued back and forth within the colorful political debates on the floor of Congress. However, our 'total mandatory spending' is 70%, mandated by law, in which 40% are Medicare and Social Security entitlements while 20% are apportioned for Departments of Defense, Veteran's Affairs, Education and agriculture and 10% for SNAP - Food stamps and Medicaid. It is not a negotiable budget like a discretionary expense and is extremely volatile to political pressures from various special interest lobbyist groups in Washington, DC. This is where the House and Senate must work out a 'balanced budget' under our Constitutional Laws - one that both sides can finally agree upon.

The Wild Card:  Affordable Health Care Act - Obamacare is not a funded entitlement program like Medicare. Under penalty of IRS law: It is taxed and paid annually by all citizens under 65 years old for funding comprehensive health insurance coverage for all patients.

Warning: If the Affordable Health Care Act tax payments fail to fund the entire program, then all congressional budgets are worthless.

Remember: This debt reduction and spending budget debate is generational.

  • Older people look to their immediate retirement savings and healthcare programs.
  • Younger people look at their future for savings accounts, investments, health insurance and retirement accounts planning ahead.

Recommendation: It's time to elect a majority of Republicans in the Senate and the House in 2014 ...and for the President not working across the Congressional aisles: In the Executive branch - it's time for a change in 2016 too!  


Obama America's Great Divide

Daily KOS Blog Site - L.A. Times Editorial Cartoon 

Dateline: October 22, 2012  

It is always instructive to visit the past since it offers the best perspective looking into the future, especially when it reveals 'blatant factual distortions' that must be challenged--i.e., 'out-and-out lies' repeated as facts during the last election cycle.

To say this cartoon message is 'overstated' is 'understated'. It's simply the incendiary label of the opposition as 'conspiracy mongers' that inflame the bipartisan political party passions. What negative political purposes do they then serve?

  • Voters are distracted from real focus on specific issues.
  • 'Name-calling' sound bites kill one's credibility - 'Conspiracy Mongers'
  • Cartoon characters dramatically depict archetypical bigot stereotypes.     
  • American Flag verses Obama Logo lapel pins define sides.
  • Older verses Younger generations reflect out-of-date patriotic values.
  • Real factual issues are listed as ignorant, paranoid.

Here are six reader comments printed below that cartoon when it appeared in the Daily KOS on October 22, 2012:  (All of these bloggers AGREE with the cartoon - scary stuff to think that these people vote too)

1. Wow... the characters he [Horsey] drew to represent Obama haters and supporters [Right-wing nuts]... LOL.(Really, wouldn't you rather sip chardonny with the couple [Liberals] on the right?)
2. Hopefully inaacurate... I'm a chubby guy with moobs [man boobs], too. Doesn't make me a RW [Right-wing] freak. I do not however sport a flattop.
3. If a Candidate or His Supporters... are inclined to believe in conspiracies, then all bets are off as to what they [Right-wing]will believe or do. Simply shameful.
4. THIS is why we need to follow the Right's lead and wrap their failures... and perceived failures--around their necks when they happen.
5. Why can't Obama just say this, when Romney brings up Benghazi at the  [2012 Presidential] debates tonight?:

Yes, Governor, 4 Americans lost their lives in Benghazi last month.  

The last time your party was in power, Governor, over 3,000 innocent Americans lost their lives on American soil.  And 7 years later, when the last Republican Commander-in-Chief left office, the terrorist responsible was still at large, and we were bogged down in two wars, one of which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. [Liberal talking points]

So we will investigate what happened in Benghazi last month, but I will cede no ground to the Republican party when it comes to safeguarding American lives, because your [Republican] party has nothing but a track record of shame and failure on that count. [Faulty reasoning since New York 9/11 was a surprise Jet crash attack and Benghazi 9/11 was an ongoing militant soldier attack that could have been stopped with a U.S. military intervention over two hours].   

6. Obama can't say this [about safeguarding issues] because we didn't hold Bush and the Republicans accountable [at the time] for their failures. We [Liberals] have to do that.  It may be too late, now. But let's learn, people. [Obama wisely didn't hold Bush responsible or he would have sounded like a '9/11 truther' conspiracy nut believer like Van Jones, Obama's fired Green Jobs Czar.]

Conservatives should brace up as Hillary's attack dogs are coming out early in this new 2016 Presidential Election cycle. Let's take some political lessons from the 2012 Obama DNC tactics, since they are the same organizations currently ramping up for the 'Hillary for President campaign.' 

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