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Entries by D.K. Dickey (74)


Obama & Capone Chicago Style Politics

Al "Scarface" Capone

So you thought that Obama "Chicago Style" Politics was over-the-top, far-right wing-nut demagoguery? How about if I add to the mix Frank Nitti, Capo of Al Capone, who ran the Prohibition Bootlegger's illicit Empire?

Now, I have a "Chicago Mob Style" Rackets  undercurrent in Obama's mentor training he embraced as a "Community Organizer" and now as the President of the United States wielding unbridled power as he dismantles the Constitutional laws right before everyone's eyes following the "Rules Of Radicals" book written by Saul Alinsky, an avowed Marxist socialist.

In "Barack Obama's Rules For Revolution" book by David Horowitz, he wrote "SaulSaul Alinsky Alinsky was born in Chicago in 1909 and died in California in 1972. His preferred self-description was “rebel” and his entire life was devoted to organizing a revolution in America to destroy a system he regarded as oppressive and unjust. By profession he was a “community organizer,” the same term employed by his most famous disciple, Barack Obama, to describe himself. 

Frank "The Enforcer" NittiAlinsky came of age in the 1930s and was drawn to the world of Chicago gangsters, whom he had encountered professionally as a sociologist. He sought out and became a social intimate of the Al Capone mob and of Capone enforcer Frank Nitti who took the reins when Capone was sent to prison for tax evasion in 1931. Later Alinsky said, “[Nitti] took me under his wing. I called him 'the Professor' and I became 'his student'.”

While Alinsky was not oblivious to the fact that criminals were dangerous, like a good leftist he held “society” - and "capitalist society" in particular - responsible for creating them. In his view, criminality was not a character problem but a result of the social environment, in particular the system of private property and individual rights, which radicals like him were determined to change." - What depth in moral and ethical considerations by Saul Alinsky? ...NOT!

Epilogue:  Frank Nitti - Criminal Demise & Death

In 1943, many top members of the Chicago Outfit were indicted for extorting the Hollywood film industry.  The Outfit was accused of trying to strong arm some of the largest Hollywood movie studios, including MGM Studios, Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, and RKO Radio Pictures. The studios had cooperated with The Outfit to avoid union trouble stirred up by the mob.

At a meeting of Outfit leaders at Nitti's home, Nitti underboss Ricca angrily blamed Nitti for the indictments. Ricca said that since this had been Nitti's scheme and that the FBI informant, Willie Bioff, had been Nitti's trusted associate, Nitti should take the fall for the Outfit and go to prison. A severe claustrophobic as a result of his first prison term, Nitti dreaded the idea of another prison confinement. It was also rumored that he was suffering from terminal cancer at this time. For these or other reasons, he ultimately decided to take his own life.

The day before his scheduled grand jury appearance, Nitti shared breakfast with his wife in their Riverside, Illinois home at 712 Selborne Road. As his wife was leaving for church, Nitti told her he planned to take a walk. After his wife left, Nitti began to drink heavily. He then loaded a .32 caliber revolver, put it in his coat pocket, and walked five blocks to a local railroad yard. Two railroad workers (William F. Sebauer and Lowell M. Barnett) spotted Nitti walking on the track of an oncoming train and shouted a warning. They thought the train hit him, but Nitti had managed to jump out of the way in time. Then two shots rang out. The trainmen first thought Nitti was shooting at them, but then realized he was trying to shoot himself in the head. The two bullets went through his hat. Nitti finally sat on the ground against a fence and, with the railroad workers watching from a distance, shot himself in the head. Frank Nitti died on an Illinois Central railroad branch line in North Riverside, Illinois on March 19, 1943.


1860 Political Platforms - Surprise Voters Today

Newspaper depiicting Republicans as Monkey-Like Negros.

1860 Poster- The Democratic Party is often called "the party of Jefferson," while the modern Republican Party is often called "the party of Lincoln."

Democratic Platform of 1840

1840 — This platform generally follows in the radical liberal tradition of Jefferson. One glaring instance in the seventh clause, the Democrat party presents a confused—and, needless to say, disgusting—defense of slavery. 

#7 - Resolved, That Congress has no power under the constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several states; and that such states are the sole and proper judges of everything pertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the constitution; that all efforts, by Abolitionists or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences, and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people, and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend to our political institutions.

During the 1850s, different views about slavery's expansion and its place in America's future fueled suspicion and bitterness between northerners and southerners. Southerners, however, hardly distinguished between the different antislavery and racial views of the Republicans and abolitionists. The Democratic Party managed to remain intact throughout that decade, but slavery acted like a solvent to weaken its bonds. Increasingly, its powerful, predominantly southern wing was at odds with a smaller, northern contingent.

By the election of 1860 profound divisions existed among Americans over the future course of their country, and especially over the South's "peculiar institution," slavery. The Republicans viewed slavery as an aggressive institution, whose leaders, in alliance with sympathetic northerners, were conspiring to spread this cancer throughout the nation.

Republican Platform of 1860  

1860 - At the Republican National Convention, Abraham Lincoln became the Presidential nominee. The Republican platform specifically pledged not to extend slavery.  Many debates have been waged over the decades about tempers in the South being inflamed by Abraham Lincoln’s anti-slavery stance. Others have argued that Abraham Lincoln had never declared any personal intention to end or constrain slavery. When you consider that the Republican Candidate was the person most able to enact the principals of that party’s platform, the anti-slavery direction laid down in this platform was most certainly supported by Abraham Lincoln, the candidate.

#7 - That the new dogma, that the Constitution, of its own force, carries Slavery into any or all of the Territories of the United States, is a dangerous political heresy, at variance with the explicit provisions of that instrument itself, with contemporaneous exposition, and with legislative and judicial precedent; is revolutionary in its tendency, and subversive of the peace and harmony of the country.

#8 - That the normal condition of all the territory of the United States is that of freedom; That as our Republican fathers, when they had abolished Slavery in all our national territory, ordained that "no person should be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law," it becomes our duty, by legislation, whenever such legislation is necessary, to maintain this provision of the Constitution against all attempts to violate it; and we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, or of any individuals, to give legal existence to Slavery in any Territory of the United States.

#9 - That we brand the recent re-opening of the African slave - trade, under the cover of our national flag, aided by perversions of judicial power, as a crime against humanity and a burning shame to our country and age; and we call upon Congress to take prompt and efficient measures for the total and final suppression of that execrable traffic.

 The Presidential Election of 1860

The presidential election of 1860 culminated more than a decade of increasing sectional conflict between the North and South, and, simultaneously, precipitated a new crisis that ultimately severed the Union.

The election of the Republican party's candidate, Abraham Lincoln on November 6, 1860, began a chain of events that included the secession of seven deep South states, the establishment of the Confederate States of America at Montgomery, Alabama, and the assumption of authority over federal property, such as customhouses and forts.

The Confederacy's attempt to extend its sovereignty over forts that remained in Union hands, notably Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor and Fort Pickens at Pensacola, Florida, placed the rival governments on a collision course. These events transpired in the approximately 120 days between Lincoln's election in early November and his inauguration on March 4, 1861.  Civil War hostilities began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces fired upon Fort Sumter, a key fort held by Union troops in South Carolina. On January 1, 1863 Lincoln then issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which made ending slavery a war goal.

On March 4, 1865 Lincoln takes oath of office as president for a second term. On April 15, 1865 Lincoln is assassinated ending presidential term.

The Presidential Election of 2016

It is hard to look forward to 2016 without looking back to 1860, one hundred and fifty years ago. The political parties were held in quite different regards by black voters from the inception of our country's beginnings. The Republican Party diligently championed civil rights and freedom for the slaves for decades on through to the Emancipation Proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln.   

It wasn't until into the mid-twentieth century, the 1930s, as Franklin D. Roosevelt took office that his progressive political agenda was timely and ripe to turn the poor disenfranchised people in a Depression era towards liberal Federal dependency in order to win over a voting constituency to further the left-wing social agenda.

FDR's oversized Federal programs razzle-dazzled and overwhelmed these struggling masses with largess intruding into all areas of their lives like the FHA housing loans, social security retirement programs, Federal Bank programs - FDIC Insurance & Federal Reserve guarantees, Tennessee Valley Authority hydro electric power dam, WPA - Works Progress Administration public works programs. 

Social welfare programs were then really kicking into high gear as more blacks and minorities signed up as life became less of a chore to work while picking up a welfare check--the new class of voters was born. However, jobs are not just about getting checks, but a way to build self-esteem. Sounds really tired and trite, but to better oneself by graduating with a high school diploma, learning new skills at a trade school, entering an on-the-job training program for advancement or obtaining a college degree are all excellent career builders. Jobs build self-reliance into everyone for them to succeed without government handouts--this must be the conservative politician's message in 2016 or we, as a nation, will fail on liberal policies. 

FDR told those folks that rich people would all have higher taxes to pay it back and little paid by other taxpayers. Since 1930, after nearly ninety years of "kicking the can the road", those bills have finally come home to roost in 2013. FDR's "New Deal" Era set the stage for so much more government spending from both parties going forward that it has now ballooned up into a monstrous national debt of $222 Trillion dollars.

 2016 Poster - Both Parties are "the parties of Ponzi"


The Zinn Whine

Zin Wine - A little too light weight?This vin is not about "Zin", zinfandel wine, but instead Boston University's liberal Professor Howard Zinn, a card-carrying Communist Party member since 1949. The "Zinn Whine" is his constant grating critique of the American civilization to the exclusion of our Nation's exceptionalism to champion freedom as his revisionist history lesson. Instead, America is synonymous with brute domination that goes back to Christopher Columbus and to the founding fathers who were self-serving elitists defined by "guns and greed". Is it a wonder recently that some people were pushing to drop "Columbus Day" and rename it "Explorers' Day" to remove this human stain that historically killed the Indigenous Indians?

Unfairly too, Columbus detractors blame Christopher for also bringing genocidal microbes to kill native Americans. In a 2006 radio show interview with conservative host Dennis Prager while promoting his book, "Original Zinn", Howard Zinn conceded that there was a natural transmission of European borne disease and death phenomena that paralleled the event of Columbus landing in America which was unintentional during the 17th century expansion of exploration and discovery. Interestingly, had an Indian built a boat and traveled to Europe and back, he would have contaminated the Indians too. Transcontinental contamination was going to happen at some point, making the first carriers irrelevant.

Factoid: Europeans didn’t know anything about germs. Not until 40 years after Columbus died that Italian physicist Girolamo Fracastoro proposed the theory. 

Another event was about Francisco de Bobadilla, a man who coveted Columbus's job as governor of Hispanola who was a liar and Columbus usurper. In 1500 the King and Queen of Spain sent him to North America to investigate claims that Columbus wasn’t being fair to the European settlers, which meant Columbus was protecting the Indians. de Bobadilla promptly arrested Columbus and his brothers on bogus charges of Indian mistreatment and sent them back to Spain and appointed himself governor. Records show Columbus malfeasance comes from a defrocked liar, de Bobadilla, and two years later Columbus was reinstated as admiral.

Factoid: Columbus was not involved in the slave trade, as critics like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky have asserted. One of his boats crashed in Haiti. He had no room for 39 men, so he started a colony there. Columbus came back a year later to find that the Taino Indians killed all of them and left them where they fell. Columbus went to war with the Tainos and took 500 of them as prisoners of war, not slaves. They were released after the war. 

After the colonies defeated the British, in 1803, the Westward expansion started that lead to the decimation of some Indians, which Professor Zinn agreed it had amounted to 10% of the entire Indian nations, a surprising and startling admission by Zinn that the Americans didn't kill more as so often is reported as "mass annihilation", utter destruction, by liberal revisionists.

Matt Damon & Howard Zinn at NY "The People Speak" Movie premiere in 2009.Zinn's red colors were blazing as he embraced the Hollywood liberal elite to push his Marxist history lessons in 2009 under the banner of the "History" Channel, an educational series that promoted and taught ideas to our children's young minds in public schools. This proven method of a slow drip, drip, drips of neo-liberalism ideals and anti-Americanism have surreptitiously steeped into our national psyche under the guise of "social-justice instruction" which has been attacking American patriots and Judeo-Christian ideals to replace them with collective thinkers and secular values, just the opposite of our core beliefs. Zinn also calls for "actions to redistribute wealth" so that all material goods will be free to everyone - sure sounds like some Obama's progressive lexicon too.   

Upon Howard Zinn's death in 2010, the bells pealed a death knell as his corpse was lowered into the grave just when simultaneously the liberals bastions around the country raised his body of work up out of the grave to extol him as the hero and champion of the "unsung masses" - hardly true historically or metaphorically speaking, but a worthy empty moniker to drape his effigy over those books devoted to "history as a political act" which are being force-fed to our school children. 

History serving “a social aim,” rather than chronicling the past in a detached manner, is what readers get in "A People’s History of the United States". Readers learn very little about history. They learn quite a bit about Howard Zinn. In fact, the book is perhaps best thought of as a massive Rorschach Ink Blot Test, with the author’s familiar reaction to every major event in American history proving that his is a captive mind long closed by his left-wing ideology. So, in spite of the lack of hard evidence after three decades in positive classroom results using "A People’s History of the United States", a well-coordinated group of 20,000 teachers has been organized to train teachers in the art of Zinn" anyway to further indoctrinate students in progressive ideologies.

Through Zinn’s looking-glass, Maoist China, site of history’s bloodiest state-sponsored killings, transforms into “the closest thing, in the long history of that ancient country, to a people’s government, independent of outside control.” Well, not exactly true, in fact the people's government was in control independent of the people by Mao who murdered any opposition. Oops! There Zinn goes again, just trying his best, with a little help from the left-wing elites to unrelentingly condemn America for its barbarity during its entire history, over three hundred years, and relegate it into the ash can of downed empires and dynasties.


Obama's Latin 101 Vocabulary Lesson

After locking down U.S. embassies and beefing up domestic security based on new intelligence about terror threats over the weekend, the White House spent a Monday afternoon press briefing defending President Obama’s repeated reelection campaign claims that al-Qaeda had been “decimated” or was on the run.

Senatus Populusque Quiritum Romanorum - Senate & People of Rome

A Latin 101 vocabulary lesson.

Decimation (Latin: decimatio; decem = "ten") was a form of military discipline used by senior commanders in the Roman Army to punish capital offenses such as mutiny or desertion. The word decimation is derived from Latin meaning "removal of a tenth". The procedure was a pragmatic attempt to balance the need to punish serious offenses with the practicalities of dealing with a large group of offenders. Decimation means that ten percent are executed, leaving ninety percent to fight another day.

It seems though that our worldly, experienced, United States Commander-in-Chief Obama has run afoul of military parlance once again.  Do you recall the "Corpse man" description of soldiers at White House ceremonies? Remember when he announced to the entire world our troop strategies on a 2014 withdrawal schedule and troop numbers left behind? Obama in a Nov 12, 2012 Green bay campaign speech said, "That Osama bin Ladin was dead, we have "decimated" al Queda and they are on the run". Obama meant to state that they were whittled down to a rag-tag tiny bunch scampering off with their tail between their legs, not ninety percent strong... Oops!

This week on August 5, 2013 White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney repeated, “There is no question that al-Qaeda the core leadership, the leadership that attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001 has been decimated, al-Qaeda core in the Af-Pak region has been greatly diminished and is on the run.” Carney said, “We have brought continual pressure to bear on both al-Qaeda core and al-Qaeda affiliates."

Obama said, "al Queda is on the run" - right out of prisons!Regrettably many prison breaks in recent weeks in Arab countries spanning across the middle-East like Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan have invigorated the al Queda ranks with new troops with a promise to jihadists that even after capture "no man is left behind" in prison cells. These developments sure make me, as an American, feel really safe and secure that Commander-in-Chief Obama will keep these militants from ever reaching our shores. Through our porous U.S. borders, troops reductions, U.S. military defense cut-backs along with faulty, weak domestic homeland security programs and policies terror threats will only reflect higher probabilities of credible success.


2000 Yrs Ago Cicero Spoke of Trevon Martin Case

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Roman statesman, orator and essayist, 106–43 B.C.).

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Roman statesman, orator and essayist, 106–43 B.C.).

"To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?" — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Over Two Thousand years ago Cicero said that if one is ignorant about prior history of themselves then they will remain always a child. Many people never grow up because they do not look back on past events to learn and so history just repeats the same mistakes over again. So, we better not 6'2" - 175 lbs Trayvon Martin at 7-Eleven. (A physically man-sized 17 yr old) rely on how the facts were presented in the Prosecutor's story of the Trayvon Martin case. It is more than just a young juvenile who bought a bag of skittles at a 7-Eleven store to eat as he skipped along on his way home. Lets evaluate what documented evidence was presented and what actually happened in fact devoid of hysterics, hyperboles and innuendos.

The trial opened around an exhibit about the calls of a 911 dispatcher and George's cell phone conversations that had time-displayed recordings with a four minute span from the time Trayvon was first spotted by George in the evening rain with a hoodie pulled up over covering his head while meandering back and forth under roof eaves through a condo housing complex and to then disappear and only to show up again coming on to George as he was returning to his car with an "in-your-face-to-face" confrontation with a verbal threat and "fist-in-your-face" attack instead of getting out of the area away from George. During that time span Trayvon was on the phone talking about George with Rachael, a friend who heard a commotion like a fight with loud screams of terror, then the phone disconnected.

Trayvon was unarmed and George had a gun. However, it came out in the trial that Trayvon was armed too. Trayvon had his height and build over the shorter fat guy and Trayvon with a younger, stronger set of arms with fists along with a fighter's military-style prone body hold to pin anybody down below him onto the ground to pummel them. Trayvon had access to another deadly weapon too, a long massive concrete pathway leading throughout the side yard lawn to bash George's head against which was deemed a deadly force trauma weapon capable of causing concussion, possibilities of great bodily harm to the head and brain leading to injury or death according to expert witnesses.

The fight quickly went to the ground as the marijuana high Treyvon, his autopsy tested positive, went into a fury of fist punches as adrenaline elevated the fear in George of an imminent threat to his life and limb as Trayvon bloodied and broke his nose, lacerated his face and hit his head bloody onto the hard concrete as he continued his attack. A witness testified to describe it as a "ground and pound" attack by Treyvon. The legal question was raised about how much is considered too much of a beating before one takes any action to stop it? The condition also existed that George was cornered and had nowhere to run to get away - the basic "stand your ground" law. So, is George's defensive action taken as a simultaneous decision or just a reflexive reaction? Whether he can reason or react is not the issue, it is to defend, stand his ground if he feels he is in fear of his life. The jurists decided for the defendant based upon the "stand your ground" law.  In the end, it was justice for both families.

Interestingly, there were no racial slurs from George brought out in depositions or during the trial. Then not until the trial proceedings were on that George himself was called a "creepy-ass cracker" by Trayvon according to Rachael Jeantel, a prosecution witness who was on the phone call at the time prior to the fight describing Trayvon's racially charged animus towards crackers, white people, even though George is Hispanic too.

During and after the trial, George Zimmerman was being called by some a "white-Mexican" to "race-bait" the trial proceedings to gin up anger because a Mexican murderer wasn't as good to lynch as an angry white one.

George's mother is Mexican and his dad is white - Barack's father is black and his mother is white. So is Obama a "white African-American?  How can Barack say "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon" when Trayvon Martin had both black parents?  Hmmn....

FYI: 2005 FBI Report - 91% of U.S. Black Homicides are committed by Blacks and then 50% of all total U.S. homicides are committed by Blacks.

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