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Entries in Obama Income Redistribution (3)


Obama Economy Failure Exposed in Pictures 

This is a montage of pictures of the Depression Era, 1935-39, 80 years ago. I bring up the age of the pictures because generations that follow do depend upon those before them to honestly tell what they are about. In this case, "Pictures do speak a thousand words." so not much more needs to be told; that said, I find our current President always waffling history facts and fabricating stories to suit his false, deceptive narratives to further his socialist agenda.

Many times during the past six and a half years which now is almost at the end of the Obama second term, Obama still complains things are still so bad. It's been since G.W. Bush's term as he has been trying his best to bring the United States out of that economic ditch. Well maybe he should see where we were as a nation way before under FDR, another Progressive Democrat. Yeah, Obama is right, with all his record IRS taxes collected, the highest in history, they have not helped to stem the flow of U.S. Federal spending programs yet!--it's hard to fill a hole if you keep digging it deeper--approaching $20 Trillion U.S. Debt and counting.

Do you remember these scenes during the Bush years?












Take a real look at an American family eating in 1940 New Mexico. The Depression is still not over yet as they hungrily devour Karo shortening laden flour biscuits with gravy, garden grown pickle relish or hot green peppers, creamed corn, okra gumbo and fresh milk.

OMG!...Where are these people's iPhones, flat screen TVs, Xbox game controllers, air conditioners and heaters, bottled water and SNAP EBT cards (Federal Food Stamp Cards)?--things must have been really tough back then!


The Zinn Whine

Zin Wine - A little too light weight?This vin is not about "Zin", zinfandel wine, but instead Boston University's liberal Professor Howard Zinn, a card-carrying Communist Party member since 1949. The "Zinn Whine" is his constant grating critique of the American civilization to the exclusion of our Nation's exceptionalism to champion freedom as his revisionist history lesson. Instead, America is synonymous with brute domination that goes back to Christopher Columbus and to the founding fathers who were self-serving elitists defined by "guns and greed". Is it a wonder recently that some people were pushing to drop "Columbus Day" and rename it "Explorers' Day" to remove this human stain that historically killed the Indigenous Indians?

Unfairly too, Columbus detractors blame Christopher for also bringing genocidal microbes to kill native Americans. In a 2006 radio show interview with conservative host Dennis Prager while promoting his book, "Original Zinn", Howard Zinn conceded that there was a natural transmission of European borne disease and death phenomena that paralleled the event of Columbus landing in America which was unintentional during the 17th century expansion of exploration and discovery. Interestingly, had an Indian built a boat and traveled to Europe and back, he would have contaminated the Indians too. Transcontinental contamination was going to happen at some point, making the first carriers irrelevant.

Factoid: Europeans didn’t know anything about germs. Not until 40 years after Columbus died that Italian physicist Girolamo Fracastoro proposed the theory. 

Another event was about Francisco de Bobadilla, a man who coveted Columbus's job as governor of Hispanola who was a liar and Columbus usurper. In 1500 the King and Queen of Spain sent him to North America to investigate claims that Columbus wasn’t being fair to the European settlers, which meant Columbus was protecting the Indians. de Bobadilla promptly arrested Columbus and his brothers on bogus charges of Indian mistreatment and sent them back to Spain and appointed himself governor. Records show Columbus malfeasance comes from a defrocked liar, de Bobadilla, and two years later Columbus was reinstated as admiral.

Factoid: Columbus was not involved in the slave trade, as critics like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky have asserted. One of his boats crashed in Haiti. He had no room for 39 men, so he started a colony there. Columbus came back a year later to find that the Taino Indians killed all of them and left them where they fell. Columbus went to war with the Tainos and took 500 of them as prisoners of war, not slaves. They were released after the war. 

After the colonies defeated the British, in 1803, the Westward expansion started that lead to the decimation of some Indians, which Professor Zinn agreed it had amounted to 10% of the entire Indian nations, a surprising and startling admission by Zinn that the Americans didn't kill more as so often is reported as "mass annihilation", utter destruction, by liberal revisionists.

Matt Damon & Howard Zinn at NY "The People Speak" Movie premiere in 2009.Zinn's red colors were blazing as he embraced the Hollywood liberal elite to push his Marxist history lessons in 2009 under the banner of the "History" Channel, an educational series that promoted and taught ideas to our children's young minds in public schools. This proven method of a slow drip, drip, drips of neo-liberalism ideals and anti-Americanism have surreptitiously steeped into our national psyche under the guise of "social-justice instruction" which has been attacking American patriots and Judeo-Christian ideals to replace them with collective thinkers and secular values, just the opposite of our core beliefs. Zinn also calls for "actions to redistribute wealth" so that all material goods will be free to everyone - sure sounds like some Obama's progressive lexicon too.   

Upon Howard Zinn's death in 2010, the bells pealed a death knell as his corpse was lowered into the grave just when simultaneously the liberals bastions around the country raised his body of work up out of the grave to extol him as the hero and champion of the "unsung masses" - hardly true historically or metaphorically speaking, but a worthy empty moniker to drape his effigy over those books devoted to "history as a political act" which are being force-fed to our school children. 

History serving “a social aim,” rather than chronicling the past in a detached manner, is what readers get in "A People’s History of the United States". Readers learn very little about history. They learn quite a bit about Howard Zinn. In fact, the book is perhaps best thought of as a massive Rorschach Ink Blot Test, with the author’s familiar reaction to every major event in American history proving that his is a captive mind long closed by his left-wing ideology. So, in spite of the lack of hard evidence after three decades in positive classroom results using "A People’s History of the United States", a well-coordinated group of 20,000 teachers has been organized to train teachers in the art of Zinn" anyway to further indoctrinate students in progressive ideologies.

Through Zinn’s looking-glass, Maoist China, site of history’s bloodiest state-sponsored killings, transforms into “the closest thing, in the long history of that ancient country, to a people’s government, independent of outside control.” Well, not exactly true, in fact the people's government was in control independent of the people by Mao who murdered any opposition. Oops! There Zinn goes again, just trying his best, with a little help from the left-wing elites to unrelentingly condemn America for its barbarity during its entire history, over three hundred years, and relegate it into the ash can of downed empires and dynasties.


Obama's Trick & Treat

 Happy Obama Halloween 2012

Benjamin Franklin


American-born Franklin was a statesman, scientist, and writer who frequently corresponded with the prominent international figures of his time. In 1789, at the age of 83, Franklin was still corresponding with Jean Baptiste Leroy, a French physicist and writer. Many of Franklin's personal letters contained simple maxims-the kind found in his Poor Richard's Almanack-and they prove that his wit and wisdom were not impaired by age. One of these comments was: "Our Constitution is in actual operation. Everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes."

Obama Death Tax Resurrection Obsession


Obama is so obsessed with redistributing income that he thinks it is unfair to leave behind a family business for the kids. What is truly unfair is when a family-owned enterprise has to be sold at auction to pay the death tax to the IRS.

Thanks to the Bush-era tax cuts, this much-loathed levy fell to zero in 2010, but President Obama insisted on bringing it back and Republicans compromised with him after the 2010 election on a 35% rate and a $5 million exemption for 2011 and 2012.

In 2013 the Death Tax Rate is scheduled to rise all the way back to 55% with a meager $1 million exemption—where it was in 2001 before the President George W. Bush tax cut.

Americans who have worked a lifetime to accumulate $1 million of savings or other assets will be surprised to learn that Washington thinks they are plutocrats.

A Forrest Gump Fact


Forrest Gump quotes are uncomplicated, basic and true. They are almost Zen-line in their simplicity. One of the best Forrest Gump quotes is "stupid is as stupid does" which may not be poetry or very deep, but it ends up being true and a more workable metaphor for life than the movie's tag line "life is a box of chocolates". It may be even more apropos here to say, "Life is not a bowl of cherries" with this "Night of the Living Death" 55% death tax rate

President Obama's 2010 budget called for the largest increase in the death tax in U.S. history. The announcement of this tax increase was buried in footnote 1 on page 127 of the President's 2010 budget. By raising the estate tax in the name of fairness, Obama won't merely bring back from the dead one of the most despised of all federal taxes, it will literally splinter many family-owned enterprises. He will also forfeit half the jobs he hopes to gain from the Obama $787 billion stimulus bill. Maybe that's why the news of this unwise tax increase was hidden in a footnote.

A 55% Death Tax is "candy corn" nobody likes to eat!