Russia is Not Our Future - But It's In It

Vladamir Putin, President of Russia
Whether you want to learn about it or not, Russia is here to affect your lives over the next decade. Study their past to understand what they want to do to us in the future.
The large reserve funds that Putin built up during the boom years by plundering private soviet companies and individuals, manipulating international and domestic bond markets, gouging the European Union with exorbitant gas and heating fuel pipeline rates helped tide Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the government over during the financial crisis of 2008. At the Asia Pacific Economic Conference Leaders' Conference in Vladivostok, Russia on September, 2012 Putin also expressed his plans to shift the country's attention away from Europe to build stronger economic ties with China and Asia a move that could change global economic landscape.
Putin faces dual challenges at home and abroad before the next presidential election, expected in 2018. Russia's dependence on oil and its ailing infrastructure also remain potential critical weaknesses of the economy.
Putin wants the Russian economy to rid itself of its “dependence on oil”, but economics trumps ideology since the Russian economy is backward because oil plays a major role even though it's not the only root cause. How about the Communist Doctrine for starters? The Russian condition lies in its inherent physical production hierarchy such as the industries, plants and their location, work forces, equipment, products, and the production chains in which they participate. Sadly, it's largely the same as it was in the Soviet era, precisely the oil wealth or the so-called oil rent that was used to support and perpetuate their inefficiencies due to the Politburo Central Planning Committee decisions.
In Russia, Putin must answer complaints from the growing middle class that he runs anPrivate Hospital Beds
Emergency Ambulance autocratic regime, aka Communist Regime, that fails to provide adequate healthcare for its people. What's wrong with their long running socialized medicine programs that's like Obamacare here?
To top off all of their woe, studies now predict Russia's economic collapse by 2050. It will not be able to support their own gross national product. Their population is declining due to a multitude of problems according to a UN study in 2005.
The abusive birth control by repetitive abortions have damaged reproductive organs laying fallow many young women from eighteen to twenty-four years old and reducing birthrates below 1.14 or just barely breaking even to maintain their present population with no more future growth. Alcoholism and drug abuse is a major blight on the entire population which has devastated families, communities and social mores. Heart disease is exceptionally high due to stress and lifestyles choices like a diet of eating kazy, a fatty horse meat sausage or maybe buttered raw pig fat, doing heavy cigarette smoking or drinking vodka. 96% of Russians start consuming alcohol at the age of 15, about 1/3 at the age of 10. One percent of Russian teenagers are alcoholics.
The social fabric attributed to inner values established by religion and acceptable moral guidelines have been deprecated to the society's detriment. Russia will be one of the first major power nations from the twentieth century that will not be able to generate a sustaining economy.
So take heart, the great country of China is right behind Russia, it is not without these same exact problems, just bigger and even more complex. So, we may not have to fire a single shot to settle any conflicts, our adversaries will just die young or be too sickly to fight.
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