Obama's Money Shot - One Million to One

The Obama Weimar Republic Transformation
President Obama gave all of the United States voters the straight facts - No Lies! Obama said, I'm going to transform the United States" and he has done it by gaming a second term. Now all of you people get ready to pay the piper: Gas, Grass, Ass - No One Rides For Free! Admission to this circus is your freedom, rights, possessions and lives. You are now owned lock, stock and barrel by Barack Hussein Obama - Get Used to It! "Four more years!" "Four More Years!" "Four More Years!"
For roughly half of the country, or least those who strongly following both politics and Germany Weimar Mark Notehistory, the 2012 election serves as a harbinger of the massive fundamental transformation expedited by Barack Obama that will, ultimately, cause the sun to set on America and its exceptionalism. Those who recall the not-so-distant past recognize a number of similarities in present-day America and European countries that ultimately succumbed to the devices of Socialism or Fascism particularly as it relates to the Weimar Republic.
Hitler's Brown Shirts SquadsFor those unfamiliar, the term “Weimar Republic” refers to Germany between the years 1919 and 1933 when the country was a parliamentary democracy, governed by a true constitution which had been drafted in the city of Weimar. While the Weimar Constitution technically survived until 1945, its last vestiges were truly snuffed out with the installation of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich. In 1920, under the banner of the NAZI party, Hitler formed a private group of thugs that he used to quash disorder at NAZI party meetings, and later to break up rival parties' meetings. That group subsequently became the Sturmabteilung (SA) - Hitler's brown-shirted storm troopers.
Under the Weimar Republic, German citizens enjoyed rights not so dissimilar to those found in modern-day America, including the freedom to vote. Thus, Weimar was Germany’s first foray into the concept of democracy. Before World War I, Germany was relatively prosperous, with a gold-backed currency and a burgeoning manufacturing industry.
The German Hyperinflation, 1923
Even from the start, however, the Weimar’s days were likely numbered, as by 1923 the country was in the throes of severe hyperinflation. While difficult to imagine, by this time, the currency exchange rate between the dollar and the German Mark was one million to one. As wheelbarrows replaced wallets for simple trips to market, the German government printed its currency in "more convenient" denominations.
(Click on the link One Million to One to read detailed histories from the PBS Commanding Heights Series that examined in-depth reports of various countries. The reports summarize the economic development of each nation from 1910 up to the PBS 2002 series and can be explored by category and by year timeline too)
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