Why is the Year "2016" about Past History?

"2016" is all about Obama's past life growing up with the people and lifestyles that fostered his beliefs, ideals and goals to couple them with where Obama is going to take our country into the future.
"Dinesh D’Sousa will release his movie “2016″, which demonstrates life in America under a second Obama presidency. If we think that the ObamaObama speaks from his Fantasyland Castle. administration has been destructive, wait until he has no further worries about running for another term. Obama’s game plan can be taken directly from one of the books he "allegedly wrote", “Dreams From My Father.” Many say and on occasion Bill Ayers himself has said that he was the ghost writer of the book. Ayers is an avowed radical activist and a leader of the 1960s Weather Underground Bomb Terrorists Group who mentored young Obama in Chicago as he entered into political life as a community organizer and then to state senator.
"As will be pointed out in the video below, the words “From My Father” instead of using “Of My Father,” unlocks the thought process for this very complex individual. His father was an anti-colonialist and a Marxist. Obama certainly seems to be following “his fathers dreams.”
The film "2016" tease will showcase first and at the 2.00 mark Dinesh D’Sousa speaks. Listen to his interesting observations and ideas - make up your own minds.
Time: 14:10
A former policy analyst in the Reagan White House, D’Souza also served as John M. Olin Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Robert and Karen Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College in 1983."
Barack Hussein Obama Hollywood Productions - 2012 Releases
Summer: Short Film (17 Min) - “The Road We've Traveled”
Obama's re-election campaign team has gone Hollywood. Directed by Academy Award winner Davis Guggenheim, who directed Al Gore's movie epic flop "An Inconvenient Truth", which turned out to be as far from the truth about global warming as it could be and with a little assistance from film star Tom Hanks in his character Woody in "A Toy Story", narrates an Obama Fantasy of what he has done for the past fours years, a pure disaster video movie.
Fall: Full Length Documentary - "Zero Dark Thirty"
Katherine Bigalow, is the Oscar-winning director of "The Hurt Locker" who is running this action-filled production. It shows how Navy's SEAL Team 6's hunt for, and killing of, Osama Bin Laden was ordered by Obama, the Commander & Chief, to kill Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. The film will be a purely fictional depiction based upon distorted facts, campaign rhetoric and demagoguery rather than a true factual documentary - Rated VB - viewer beware.
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