A Humble Democrat! - Really?

Adlai E. Stevenson (1900–1965)
I remember when the Democratic Party announced their choice of Adlai E. Stevenson to run against President Eisenhower in 1952. Back then, I recall on the schoolyard playground we kids all talked politics as Republicans and Democrats, not as Communists, Socialists or LGBT - Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual & Transgender Rights Activists. I wore a lapel pin that said "Let's Back Ike". My Democrat friends would say, "Let's Back Ike... up to the wall and shoot him!" and run away laughing. We would retort with, "Mary had a little lamb and it's face was almost human and every time it turned around it looked like Harry-ass Truman!" (The current Democrat President in 1952) Such horrible stuff was said during the election years in the 1950s, a whole lot different than today's standards. LOL!
A Biographical Note for those too young to remember...
A U.S. statesman, Adlai Stevenson was instrumental in the founding of the United Nations (I still hold that against him for helping to enable the U.N. to ever start up) and as Governor of Illinois (1949-53) was able to bring about important public reforms. (Better to ask: Important to whom after looking at all the pay-offs and favors to corrupt Illinois politicians imprisoned since over the years?) Twice Democratic candidate for the presidency (1952, 1956), he was defeated both times by Dwight D. Eisenhower.
These are two stories that really tell a story about this politician and maybe another?
Harry Truman finally persuaded Stevenson to campaign for the Democratic nomination in 1952. Stevenson stayed overnight at the White House and was put in the Lincoln Room. He wandered around the room, gazing with awe at the things in it, unable to bring himself to lie in the bed. So he spent the night on the sofa. He was unaware that in Lincoln's time the bed was not there, but the sofa was. (Not the case today for the Obama Lincoln bedroom "musical bed" for his rich campaign contributors, moneyed backers and political hacks - hate to think what they do on the sofa)
It was probably during his first campaign against Eisenhower that Stevenson was approached by an enthusiastic woman supporter who said to him, "Governor, every thinking person will be voting for you." Stevenson replied, "Madam, that is not enough. I need a majority." (A little truth in jest, really telling in that exchange of words - it's about what the Democratic Party thinks of the "perfect electorate", get past the minority of "thinking people" onto a majority of non-thinking, stupid voters to cast ballots for their Liberal Progressive candidates and policies)
Famous "Worn-Out Hole in Shoe" during 1952 Campaign stump. Adlai Stevenson caused a furor when a photograph was taken of the hole in the sole of his shoe. Adlai E. Stevenson evoking the "common working-man" touch of wearing worn out shoes apparently still did not get enough non-thinking voters to cast their ballots. Could be that enough started to think for themselves and decided to vote for Ike instead?...
I wonder if the same thing will happen again if a majority of "the folks" in the 2012 Election get it about Obama too?

Reader Comments (1)
Wonderful piece here. I remember well the 50s elections as a young girl. The excitement of the day. The relief I witnessed when Ike won the elections will be with me forever. I anticipate the same relief and happiness when Obama is ousted from his non-deserving position as our president. The "non-thinking, stupid voters" who elected Obama in 2008 MUST awaken to the truth in 2012. The very core of our country is at stake, and the core and quality of our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren depend upon this election.
Keep up the good work. cuztc