The Real Gun Ban Question

Here's the Question to Ask!
Car 54, Where Are You? It ran from 1961 to 1963 and is still remembered today as one of the funniest TV comedies of the 1960s. Starring Joe E. Ross and Fred Gwynne.
If you substitute their police car number with the one that is in your local neighborhood, it begs the same question - Car _ _ Where Are You? And indeed, you are asking what every victim utters seconds before the armed intruder breaks the glass to enter their home with only minutes to react. It is already too late to reasonably expect police to deter the crime or much less defend your safety. Simply put - You are on your own!
As Deputy Barney Fife said, "Nip it! Nip it in the bud!" sounds like Joe Biden's admonition: “Buy a Shotgun!”. As Biden noted the “clear signal” sent by the voters he offered the sage advice he gave his wife, specifically, "Get a shot gun and if you hear a noise, go out on the back porch and fire a couple of blasts."
I am positively sure that the armed robber under his heavy LSD laced haze with a Meth induced high will be heightened by the excitement of bright lightening flashes from the exploding shotgun shells. So as you reload, he unloads on you ...Right on Barney, oops, Biden!
Barack Obama and Joe Biden barnstormed the country attempting to gin up emotionally-driven indignation against our 2nd Amendment rights while federal agencies under their control are working behind the scenes to put the hurt on firearms’ manufacturers and law-abiding citizens who dare to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.
The old saying is: "There is only room for one Sheriff in this town!" That is very true in Washington DC these days, especially since we only have two deputies and no Sheriff is in sight!
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