As American as Apple Pie - Cinco de Mayo

With the immigration issue on everyone's mind and how to solve the problem of citizenship and assimilation into American culture, it is natural for new Americans to embrace their ancestral culture with pride, but must also remember they have now pledged their allegiance to the United States of America as U.S. citizens.
Although Tacos, Pizza & Chocolate Cookies were invented in Mexico, Italy and the United States, respectively, some things are not what they seem. "Cinco de Mayo es no hecho en Mexico" - Cinco de Mayo was created in the U.S. for the U.S. In fact, many Mexicans don't know why we crazy Americans call their national day of Independence as May 5. It has no association with Mexican Independence, but does commemorate a battle on May 5, 1862, in which the Mexican army defeated the French forces of Napoleon III. It has been uniquely an American way to identify the Hispanounidenses, the "Hispanics of the United States."
Memo: El Grito, every 16th of September since 1810 is the Mexican Fiesta par excellence! On this day Mexicans all over the world celebrate Mexico’s independence from Spanish rule.
Over a century later, the Chicano movement has picked up the "Cinco de Mayo" Independence Day as an expression of their demands for civil rights which did more to just make it laughably even a more American celebration. It was a clever choice because it didn't carry the risk of pitting different Hispanic nationalities against one another under the single banner of Mexican culture. After all, there are over twenty Spanish-speaking countries, mostly Mexico, but also Cuba, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Nicararagua, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and others in the Hispanic Melting Pot.
To the contrary, a racially prejudicial movement, “La Raza" (the race), Upside down US Flaghas undermined Hispanic assimilation into U.S. citizenship by teaching that the United States stole the southwest from Mexico, that the Pilgrims brought plagues to intentionally wipe out indigenous peoples, and that Thanksgiving should be changed to a day of atonement for the evil that the U.S. perpetrated on the Mexican people. La Raza
demands that the United States return the southwest states back into Mexico. What we have here is something insidious and used to teach disdain for the United States and the overthrow of our government. “Sowing of seeds of hate” has nothing to do with ethnic pride; it is an attempt by socialist radicals to use our Hispanics as pawns in their war against capitalism and the existing power structures. The ultimate La Raza disrespect: The US Flag flown on Cinco de Mayo upside down under the Mexican flag on an American High School flag pole in Montebello, California.
The Tucson School District offers a course: Mexican-American Studies, formerly known as “La Raza" (the race) Studies. Read this jaw-dropping excerpt, “An Epic Poem", from the course textbook which states:
I shed tears of sorrow, I sow seeds of hate
The force of tyranny of men who rule by farce and hypocrisy,
In a country that has wiped out all my history, stifled all my pride….
My land is lost and stolen, My culture has been raped
Poverty and city-living under the colonial system of the Anglo has frustrated our people’s culture
One note, especially to those young Chicanos, hard drugs and the drug culture is the invention of the gringo because he has no culture.
We have to destroy capitalism…The Declaration of Independence states that we the people have the right to revolution, the right to overthrow a government that has committed abuses and seeks complete control over the people. This is in order to clean out the corrupted, rotten officials that developed out of any type of capitalistic systems.
Obama at a La Raza speechSay President Obama, shouldn't these kind of La Raza textbook materials under the Federally funded Schools' curriculum be exposed during the current Senate Immigration System Debates?
We are a land of immigrants and that fact has made us strong as a country. What unites us as a nation is the idea that we are all Americans, with allegiance to and pride in this country, even as we honor and respect the many cultures and countries that our families came from, La Raza supporters are not, they suborn treason.
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