The Obama Faulty FDR Foreign Foreplay Failures

Yalta, Ukraine - Feb. 4, 1945 - Churchill. FDR. Stalin (L-R)A summit meeting was held at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, where Joseph Stalin hosted Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill in February 1945 to negotiate the political map of postwar Europe. It was time to divide up the war spoils of Germany.
"In our hearts we really believed a new day had dawned," Harry Hopkins, FDR's closest aide, recalled about Yalta. "We were all convinced we had won the first great victory for peace. . . . The Russians had proved they could be reasonable and farsighted and neither the president nor any of us had the slightest doubt that we could live with them and get on peaceably with them far into the future."
It was certainly true of FDR. The man who got what he wanted from the American public like no other president could be forgiven for thinking of himself as someone who understood people and their motivations - Does it sound like another President we all know now?
Returning from his first meeting with Stalin in Tehran in 1943, Roosevelt told reporters: "I got along fine with Marshal Stalin. He is a man who combines a tremendous determination with a stalwart good humor. I believe he is truly representative of the heart and soul of Russia; and I believe we are going to get along very well with him."
FDR didn't end up feeling positive like in Tehran after the Yalta meeting. Contrary to popular feelings that Yalta was an example of deliberate American cynicism or cowardice...
It typified a style of American diplomacy that combined boundless idealism with fatal naiveté, an exaggerated confidence in the power of persuasion to bridge differences—and a fatal indifference to the importance of ideology in creating them - Sounds like an American president you now know?
Historians of the Yalta conference have often noted that the Russians had every room in the palace bugged, and that Stalin was provided every morning with transcripts of Roosevelt's and Churchill's private discussions with their staffs. But Stalin's advantage at Yalta wasn't that he was better briefed. It was that he was a better psychologist. He knew how to turn Roosevelt's illusions to his own purposes.
Above all, FDR cherished the illusion that, through universal participation in the U.N., World War II could be what the first one had not: the war to end all wars. Stalin was more than willing to nurture FDR's idealism—provided FDR returned the favor by granting Stalin the run of his ambitions.
So it is with so many negotiations between Democrats and Tyrants: When there is a deal, it usually winds up being a trade between:
- the theoretical and the tangible
- the immediate concession and the long-term promise
- the paper agreement and the territorial prize
President Obama is incapable of resisting "the deal" with Iranian President Hasan Rouhani. So, Obama has instructed Secretary of State, John Kerry to engage with Iran in talks to discuss a nuclear weapons deal. Obama, like FDR, envisions he will be hailed as a master diplomat and a triumphant peacemaker working within the constraints of the United Nations organization. As with Yalta, it won't take long to learn who is betrayed, and what is lost, in the service of an illusion to stop Iran from nuclear proliferation and fostering global terrorism.
It's been said, "Fools rush in where Wise men fear to tread" which seem to be an apropos description of our inexperienced President and his advisors not having any cultural-ethnic understanding in negotiating with those Russians, Iranians, Syrians, Libyans, Afghanis, Iraqis and other militant, terrorist groups which have all proven to be utter diplomatic failures.
NEWS FLASH FOR OBAMA: As for Islamic followers, the Muslims around the world believe in the total submission of non-believers, the infidels converting and living under Sharia Laws--there is no compromise, it is to the scripture in the Quran. They do not negotiate their faith, beliefs or practices. So gays, lesbians, cross-genders, Jews, Christians, women as chattel do not have any rights under Sharia Law, can either suffer under Dhimmitude or if doing anti-Islamic sexual practices be stoned to death. HELLO, they run a Theocracy, not a Democracy, get it?

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