Re-Election Odds Favors Obama

A Statistical Fact: The odds are that if a President decides to run for re-election he is going to be re-elected absent some kind of extraordinary circumstances.
In the past ten elections in 200 plus years, 19th and 20th Centuries, an incumbent President was unseated, this stands in contrast to sixteen occasions (not counting Washington in 1792) in which an incumbent was reelected. This means that, since Jefferson’s re-election in 1804, an incumbent has been re-elected 61% of the time they have stood for re-election (if you throw in Washington’s re-election, the odds increase to 62.96%).
The Million Dollars Question is: How should a challenger and their party task the appGeorge Romney must grow some big cojones!roach of beating an incumbent? By the way, the last Republican to defeat a sitting president was Ronald Reagan. He was the only Republican to do so in the 20th century.
So, can history repeat itself? Forget the daily electioneering polls and win the poll that ultimately matters, the vote on election day.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger described tax-cutting opponents of Republicanism as a bunch of limp-wristed “girlie men”. Will Romney grow some cojones and take the fight to Barack Obama like Reagan took the fight to Carter?
Time to take off the "Mittens" and put on the "Brass Knuckles"!