Obama's History Lesson

My previous blog in our History Matters section referred to a 1943 Anti-Hitler Disney Cartoon film. It is a fine example of Walt Disney's genius at work supporting our American ideals which shows the political climate then that existed under the Nazi threat towards the United States during WWII.
It is not any different today as the threat of Islamic Extremist Terrorism is a constant reminder to remain vigilant too. So, is it instructive to learn from past aggressions to defend ourselves? Ironically, the Nazis never dealt a devastating blow physically to the United States on American soil like the Islamic 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Time: 7:56
Now after two successful 9/11 terrorist attacks, most American students still will not learn their historical facts because of our inferior public schools at all levels have dropped the ball scholastically or deliberately omitted it due to liberal ideology on civics, history, political science and social studies.
Pitifully the prevalent politically correct, anti-American diatribe and counter-capitalism demagoguery of American business in school curriculums has taught dangerous historical facts to students that endanger our country. Witness the wrong conclusions due to their ignorance:
Actual unedited emails below from You Tube Video Comments - names changed.
If smith123 was in his history class, he would know that Russia and a murderer like Joe Stalin who purged millions during a purge of Russian people was no real friend of the United States, especially after he locked up most of the European countries behind "The Iron Curtain" while divvying up World War II spoils in the Potsdam agreement at the end of war.
The second comment of smith123 glaringly shows he was not aware of the Weimar Republic which had German government printing presses going wild printing money. Hitler did put a lot of people to work in the military, some in armament factories and others in concentration camps. smith123 said that was good because they were working and he was not blaming the Nazis for the rampant inflation with subsequent unemployment as the German economy collapsed.
In the end, smith123 conceded "the Nazis regime was "horrid", but not necessarily in the ways the cartoon says it was." Oh really? ...Gasing and killing Jewish prisoners and others while trampling on through countries as they spread out their pernicious tentacles throughout Europe and the world.
Our future is set up by our past, so the lack of learning about past history dooms us to another Islamic terrorist attack. But it may not possibly happen again, so who can tell what year? Yeah, but how about learning from the past about a date in a month like 9/11? Could that be a significant date?
Apparently Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton knew nothing or just forgot about the historical significance. They both can unequivocally say here, "Blame it on Bush!". So true, so true, since 9/11/01 there was no further terrorist attacks under Bush's Homeland Security programs continuing on under the Obama watch in his first term. However, Obama became cocky, complacent, dismissive of the terrorist threat since Osama Bin Laden is dead and let down his guard and U.S. defenses.
National security is not one drone strike away, it is an ongoing war... Look at History!
don't think Disney was really going for realism here. And since the Soviets were allies of America at the time, it wouldn't make sense for the propoganda to be against them.
smith123 in reply to smith123 (Show the comment)
True, but I think the point of the cartoon was to more or less exaggerate the way of life in Germany at the time in order to make people support the Allies. The idea of working "like slaves" might've come from the fact that Hitler put a lot of Germans to work, but that was actually a good thing for the German people and the economy, since before the Nazis there was rampant inflation and unemployment. (Of course, the regime was horrid, but not necessarily in the ways the cartoon says it was.)
smith123 in reply to brady3198 (Show the comment)