Obama's Hard Struggle for Epic Failure

Obama & Sebelious offer just more empty political talk.The complaints are growing as the Obamacare roll out debacle worsens over the software implementation, administration and legislation that is actually involved within the Affordable Care Act. "Our present...management is marked by over staffing, organizational overlapping, complicated procedures and extremely low efficiency," "Everything is often drowned in empty political talk." "Right now a big problem...is that nobody takes responsibility." "In theory, there is collective responsibility. In fact, this means that no one is responsible."
Now after spending over $700 Million dollars on software, the Obama administration admits that one out of ten enrollees have not successfully been registered. That may not sound significant, only 10%, but would you expect that 10% of your mail would be just tossed into a mud puddle on the street or your doctor would get 10% of your diagnosis correct or you would get 10% of your drugs delivered or a restaurant serves you food that 10% of the time makes you violently ill? Hmm...only 10%, and some say upwards to 25% of the enrollees are not registered in some states too.
Ironically, all of the "complaints" in the first paragraph were actual quotes made by Chinese Leader, Deng Xiaoping's speech at the 1978 Third Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. Trying to distance from the Cultural Revolution practice which put politics before economy, Deng was complaining about the central planning system and the solution was to transfer decision-making in state enterprises from the government bureaucracy to corporate management. Deng wanted, "Chinese companies to be run in a more independent, professional and capitalist fashion". It has paid off and China has grown exponentially since. Obama is embracing Marxist socialism as China has turned away from it. Does that possibly say something about our dear leader, Obama's motives? Or, will Obama again plead further surprise and ignorance as the next debacle unfolds?