We Fought Muslims 230 Years Ago??

Today, public information is being pushed by fear instead of by actual facts. The Middle East Muslim dilemma is rife with PC misinformation. By Obama catering to public ignorance it is easy to manipulate Americans into drawing the PC, 'Politically Correct' decisions to reach the politically left-wing endorsed conclusions for restraining U.S. combat protocols deployed.
The current Middle East strategy debate to send in U.S. ground troops is hanging tenuously in the balance to tip the scales of war in our favor. Since the Middle East wars have exploded much further in recent years under the Obama administration, many U.S. politicians urge caution and restraint into entering any further military engagements within sovereign regional boundaries; especially since it was noted that this would be a historically unparalleled aggression not done in that Islamic region of the world which would cause further retaliation. It sounds good, but is it? ...A Big No!
Get appreciation & perspective of real figures, facts and history:
- 2010: 1.6 Billion / 2030: 2.2 Billion Muslims (25% of World Pop.)
- 3% Muslims live in most developed regions.
- 35 of 195 World Countries currently under Sharia law.
- There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world today. Of course not all of them are radicals! The majority of them are peaceful people. The radicals are estimated to be between 15 to 25 percent, according to all intelligence services around the world. That leaves 75 percent of them peaceful people.
- But when you look at 15 to 25 percent of the world’s Muslim population, you’re looking at 240 million to 400 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization. That is bigger than the United States of 320 milion people.
Do you know your U.S. history? - Learn from your past, it's your future...
After the U.S. declared its independence in 1775 from England and entered into the Revolutionary War, France protected U.S. ships until the end in 1784; afterwards it was under our U.S. Navy. Then in July 1785, the U.S. suffered under the ruthless Islamist Barbary Coast pirates that captured two U.S. ships for the unheard ransom of nearly $60,000. The pirates demanded bribes to appease their extortion under Sharia Law for collection of dhimmitude, payments made by unbelievers or 'infidels' to live or work under Islam, rather than engaging them head-on in war.
Thomas Jefferson was the U.S. Minister to France from 1784 to 1789. At the beginning Jefferson was against any further payments to the pirates even proposing a plan for a 'coalition of allied nations' who together could force the Islamic states into perpetual peace. The coalition failed. It sounded like a 'coalition of the willing' where the early documented use of that phrase was by President Bill Clinton in June 1994 in retaliation to possible operations against North Korea with other countries at the height of the 1994 stand-off with that country over nuclear weapons. The coalition failed. The idea that any coalition partners have helped out when historically the U.S. has gone into war, the U.S. always has been spending all its treasure and blood with little help from any of these coalition partners.
The 1785 U.S. Congress was disinterested in his plan, so Jefferson finally acquiesced to Congress who paid the ransom demands over the next fifteen years to Tripoli, Morocco and Algiers upwards of $1 Million a year.
It was not until 1801, after sworn in that as President Thomas Jefferson he let the Muslim Pasha know what he could do with his demand of $225,000 plus $25,000 a year thereafter. The United States then declared war on Islam and the Barbary Coast pirates as President Thomas Jefferson dispatched a squadron of frigates to the Mediterranean to teach the Muslim nations a lesson they would never forget. Algiers and Tunis both knew of the past history of American cowardice and acquiescence but saw a new U.S. will and might to strike back and immediately abandoned their allegiance to Tripoli. The U.S. Marine Corps led the battle line 'to the shores of Tripoli' as in the Marine hymn and they would forever after be known as the 'leathernecks' for their leather collars of their uniforms. The Queran states, "Meet the unbeliever and smite at the necks" or in other words, hack off their heads with swords. Their leather collars prevented the Marine heads from being chopped off by Muslim scimitars when boarding their ships. The war raged on for four more years until 1805 with Tripoli's defeat.
The Algerian aggressions again flared up in 1815 under President James Madison who sent in the U.S. Naval expedition. A treaty was secured from the Algerians effectively ending capturing any more U.S. ships under their ruling Muslim laws. The U.S. Senate finally ratified the treaty on December 5, 1815.
President Thomas Jefferson, as the former U.S. Minister to France and long before leaving France in 1879, recognized a fear that someday this brand of Islam would return and pose an even greater threat to the United States. Jefferson was anti-Islamist, not anti-Islam. The distinction is that he cared less if his neighbors claimed there were twenty gods or no gods, as long as he neither picked his pocket or broke his leg. Fundamentalist Islam does both with the underlying problem that it is both political and religious and the two cannot be separated. The Islamist believes that man-made laws are inferior and must be replaced with Sharia law and that governments worldwide should be Islamic. Fundamentalist Islam is anathema to everything Jefferson stood for as it vehemently disagrees with our U.S. Constitutional laws.
Did you learn something interesting that our schools don't teach about in our U.S. history or government?