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Entries in Obama's Failed Policies (2)


Donald Duck a Nazi?

1943 Anti-Hitler Cartoon

In 1941, on the eve of America's entry into World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to curb the influence of Nazis and fascists in South America and promote American ideals. So the President enlisted someone who embodied the American capitalist spirit: Walt Disney.

Walt Disney - Third from right


It was U.S. People-to-People diplomacy - in terms of being de facto diplomats of course. Walt Disney did meet Getulio Vargas, who was the president of Brazil at that time. it inspired at least one cartoon of El Pato Donald, Donald Duck, who meets up with a Brazilian parrot, José Carioca.

What can U.S. voters learn about our U.S. influence today in Brazil, from a socialist government regime?

Surprise U.S. voters! The Brazilians are now voting to move rapidly from federal government health care into private health coverage provided by UnitedHealth Group. The expanding Brazilian middle class has experienced poor socialized medicine health care and is demanding private health care coverage for value and service.

Then what's all the U.S. Obamacare about? Stephan Hemsley, CEO of UnitedHealth Group, said, "We believe we have never seen a more compelling opportunity for growth." It is a part Obamacare Crap Shoot - You Call it!of a broader trend as U.S. companies seek faster-growing markets overseas... say whaat? 

Is Obamacare causing more high paying jobs to move off-shore, especially Doctors? We need Doctors to stay here to treat those additional 30 million new patients included in our socialized government Obamacare program.  Why hasn't Obama told the American voters about these sorely needed jobs as losses attributed to compelling overseas opportunities? 

Oh well, "We'll vote for it first and find out later what's in it!"  Rational thinking is traded for socialist ideology which will overfill our hospitals with sick patients with costly inept healthcare leading to many more unnecessary deaths.


Will the Obama Congress Come to Order?

 December 2, 1912

“Congress Will Come To Order!”
by Clifford K. Berryman
Washington Evening Star, December 2, 1912
From the US Senate Collection, Center for Legislative Archives

The ultimate prize of a congressional election is control over the two houses of Congress: the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. This cartoon shows Congress following the pivotal 1912 elections when the Ultra-Liberal Progressives under Woodrow Wilson as Democrats swept into power and captured majority control of the gavels in both houses to come under their order.  History later proved it was the wrong outcome which led the United States on into a subsequent recession and depression era lasting on into 1945 with Franklin D. Roosevelt's liberal New Deal Progressive Programs.

A Double Entendre

One hundred years later the 1912 editorial cartoon shows how Obama sees the gavels coming down to pass Obamacare while declaring his victory boldly, "Congress will come to order!"

However. the United States Supreme Court will overrule Obamacare because the government is overreaching with a mandate forcing all Americans to buy health insurance under the guise of the Commerce Clause which allows the government to regulate commercial activity among the states.  Obamacare is therefore held unconstitutional which will subsequently unfund it and overturn the entire single-payer Obamacare Act, "Congress will come to order!"