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I'm shocked that gambling is going on!

ObamaCare is a Cracker Jack Deal!The looming crisis on implementation of ObamaCare has begun to fill the news. Even his allies are using the term "train wreck." ObamaCare is not only the most slovenly written major law in modern American history, it is full of sneaked-in surprises people are just discovering. The Democrats of Washington took advantage of the country's now-habitual distractedness: The country, now seeing what's coming in terms of taxes and fees, will not be amused.

What damaged the Obama presidency more, looking back, was, ironically, the trash-talking some Republican leaders indulged in after the 2008 campaign. It entered their heads at the Obama White House and gave them a warped sense of the battlefield.

In a conference call with conservative activists in July 2009, then-Sen. Jim DeMint said of the president's health-care bill, "If we're able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him." Not long after, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was quoted as saying that the GOP's primary goal was to make Mr. Obama a one-term president.

The press hyped this as if it were something new, a unique and epic level of partisan animus. Members of the administration also thought it was something new. It made them assume no deals with Republicans were possible. It gave Obama a handy excuse they still use: "It's not us, they vowed from the beginning they wouldn't work with us!"

But none of it was new. The other side always vows to crush you. Anyone who'd been around for a while knew the Republicans were trying to sound tough, using hyperbole to buck up the troops. It's how they talk when they're on the ropes. But the president and his staffers hadn't been around for a while. They were young. They didn't understand what they were hearing was par for the course.

Bill Clinton's foes made fierce vows about him, the enemies of both Bushes did the same. The opposing party always gets on the phone or gathers in what used to be Georgetown dens toPresident Reagan & Speaker Tip O'Neill - 1985 at White House denigrate the new guy and vow to fight him to the end. That's how blowhards blow. When Reagan came in they vowed to take him down, and it was personal. Speaker Tip O'Neill called him "ignorant" and a "disgrace" and said it was "sinful" that he was president. He called Reagan "a man who has no care and no concern for thePolitical Pundit Chris Matthews working class of America" and said: "He's cold. He's mean. He's got ice water for blood." An O'Neill staffer, now a cable news pundit, Chris Matthews once greeted Reagan in the Capitol with the words: "Mr. President, welcome to the room where we plot against you."

They did. President Reagan knew it.

Yet he had no problem dealing successfully with O'Neill. He didn't moan, "Oh they hate me, it's no use!"

As Captain Renault raids Rick's Cafe Americain he shouts, "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" - Note to the next White House: There's always gambling at Rick's Cafe Americain. It's never a shock and not an excuse. It's business as usual. And if you're a leader you can lead right past it.

"People do what they know how to do," meaning politicians use whatever talent they have, and when it no longer works they continue using it.  Barack, however, has now resorted to pulling a "Bogart," by adopting Bogie's film persona, Rick's attitude of a world-weary resignation at how bad things are and what little he can do about it - "after all, it's the Republican's fault." - Obama is a Lame Duck!CASABLANCA, the 1942 Best Picture Oscar winner - Paul Henreid, Ingrid Bergman & Humphrey Bogart.

In case you are not familiar with Casablanca, the 1942 Best Picture film classic:

Casablanca - In French-occupied Morocco, American expatriate Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) runs a dive bar called Rick’s and makes money gambling. When his former lover Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) comes into his bar, all the old feelings of their past relationship in Paris come back to him. Unfortunately, Ilsa and her revolutionary husband Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) are trying to get out of the country and are meeting resistance from the Germans and the Prefect of Police Captain Renault (Claude Rains) in his service as a figure of authority of the Nazis. As Rick and Ilsa start to fall back in love, the two are torn at what to do in order to survive.


Your Patriotic Duty - Bear the Tax Burden

To avoid anyone reading this from nodding off to sleep, let me very quickly get the point across and allow you to read the whole text below for further clarification.

News Headline:Ben Bernake

Ben Bernake, head of the U.S. Fed Bank, explains when government spending programs are wasteful by adding little to national wealth or productivity, then taxpayers view this increased spending as simply increasing the debt burden they must bear and they reduce their own expenditure with the net effect that government fiscal actions will be reduced.

News Flash:

The Principle of Ricardian equivelence - This is doublespeak repeating Obama fiscal mantra - "Spend more and more!"  Obama assumes a "net zero tax cost" when he can tax and then gain net savings back from his federal spending programs. As Obama follows Ben Bernanke's logic, the taxpayers will not suffer from more taxes, they simply will tighten their belts further and spend less to live - and that's how the American Standard of Living is redistributed and beaten down lower on the backs of all taxpayers.

Realistically, the practical effect of Ricardian equivalence on spending/saving in the US is probably minimal anyway because the top 20 percent of Americans earn 53.4 percent of the total U.S. income, but pay 67.2 percent of total income tax. The 47% who pay no tax (and anticipate continuing to pay no tax) aren't worried about any future tax liability, and they are the ones with the highest marginal propensity to consume and spend. Since prevailing tax rules contain future uncertainties about additional taxes, it may be more likely to suspect reactions to curtail some spending under this threat.

Bernanke speech - Japan Society of Monetary Economics, May 31, 2003:

"In economics textbooks, the idea that people will save rather than spend tax cuts because of the implied increase in future tax obligations is known as the principle of Ricardian equivalence. In general, the evidence for Ricardian equivalence in real economies is mixed, but it seems most likely to apply in a situation like that prevailing today in Japan, in which people have been made highly aware of the potential burden of the national debt."

The principle of Ricardian equivalence does not apply exactly to increases in government purchases (for example, road building) but it may apply there approximately. If, for example, people think that government spending projects are generally wasteful and add little to national wealth or productivity, then taxpayers may view increased government spending as simply increasing the burden of the government debt that they must bear. If, as a result, they react to increases in government spending by reducing their own expenditure, the net stimulative effect of fiscal actions will be reduced.


Obama 101 - How Obama Won The Internet

Would you rather fight one hundred duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? 

In 1931, another Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt recognized early on in his first term that the newest form of public communication was the radio for his presidential policy to be verbally propagated to the people en masse, ‘fireside chats’ were the first media development that facilitated intimate and direct communication between the president and the citizens of the United States. FDR had thirty fireside chats from 1931 to 1944.

In 1952, the next burgeoning phenomenon was television and was interjected into the Eisenhower - Stevenson Presidential campaigns. It brought the candidates up close and personal by visually speaking inside the living rooms all around the nation.

Time: 1.00

In 2008 and 2012, the Obama campaigns immediately appreciated the huge, untapped potential of the computer Internet which had revolutionized personal and individual communication through mobile hand-held devices that instantly communicated or informed people everywhere. It was actually virtual on-line, two-way, visual and verbal communications between the candidates and the electorate.

Do you Twitter any Messages?The following should be a "gianormous" wake-up call to the Republican party.  They not only have to get up to speed by the 2016 Presidential elections on social networking and messaging but nominate candidates that can navigate it too. Otherwise, in this Internet connected generation the future campaigns for state and federal offices will be lost by "Tweets"!

Panic 2012: The Sublime and Terrifying Inside Story of Obama's Final Campaign, a behind-the-scenes look at the president's historic Reddit political campaign strategy.

"This is President Barack Obama."

On August 29, 2012, Obama was about to take part in a phenomenon called AMA, “Ask Me Anything”, a popular interview series on Reddit, a site with 50 million visitors a month. I This Screen was displayed in the Reddit Buzzfeed article - it still certainly questions Obama's proprieties for decency of associates.assume that Reddit refers to the term "read it". Redditors, as the site’s 2 million in-crowd-y regular users are known, did not take too kindly to frauds or dodges or interviewees who didn’t take the Reddit Internet site seriously. AMA subjects ran the gamut from celebrities (Woody Harrelson, Seth MacFarlane, PSY) to regular professionals (a male stripper) to basically anything (a woman who was date raped). Community members were also encouraged to submit requests for people they wanted to question. 

"This was a day of political-campaign and Internet firsts, the sitting president subjecting himself to a real free-for-all question-and-answer session with a hardOn Reddit after a campaign speech stop.core community of pot-smoking freedom junkies who hated drones and loved porn and had a keen interest in politics and the future. It was chaotically democratic, and something of a gamble. Reddit had its baggage, issues, controversies, etc.; it wouldn’t generally pass a campaign or White House vetting. There’s some fucked up shit there, creep shots, racist rants, borderline teen porn, for example—and other good shit, too, for the most part, but the kind of material that could become fodder for critics looking to attack Obama." - Buzzfeed reference article.

Obama typed this:

“Speaking of balance, though, I need to get going so I’m back in DC in time for dinner. But I want to thank everybody at reddit for participating—this is an example of how technology and the internet can empower the sorts of conversations that strengthen our democracy over the long run. AND REMEMBER TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER—if you need to know how to register, go to By the way, if you want to know what I think about this whole reddit experience — NOT BAD!

NOTE: Obama made the call himself to use "all caps"  in "NOT BAD"- the Internet messaging grammar equivalent to SHOUTING OUT loudly in an email message to accentuate a point. Obama definitely showed an expertise in understanding the Internet social media protocols on how to send out powerful messages.

"Back in Chicago, staffers looked through the numbers. Within 24 hours, 5.2 million people had read the Reddit interview. It was the most-trafficked post in Reddit’s history. Just before signing off, Obama mentioned, the campaign’s official voter registration site, and 30,000 people registered to vote from that link. “And he didn’t even hyperlink the fucking thing, so they, like, actually copy-and-pasted it, and opened up a new tab, and put it in,” said a senior official. On Election Day, 82,670 Redditors would connect again with the campaign, giving “upvotes” to a message posted by Obama in the afternoon, with tens of thousands more likely seeing the post. A massive hit—and strategically successful." - Buzzfeed reference article.



Boston Marathon Links to Oklahoma City Bombing

All the news outlets are screaming headlines about the "Boston Marathon Bombings" and how the experts will discover if it is a homegrown terrorists or foreign terrorists.  They assure us they will look at the bomb fragments to determine how the bomb was assembled to identify the person or group who makes the bombs.  They do not mention anywhere about taggants, but why?

Here is an excellent article written from a conservative viewpoint which attacks a NRA, National Rifle Association, coalition against special "identification" taggants dating back to 1995 during the Clinton administration.  It makes me ask: Why has this important tool of terrorist investigations been excluded and not been brought out into the bright light after the Oklahoma City Bombing by Clinton and subsequently after the 9/11 World Trade Center terrorist attack by Bush or Obama?

With TV Shows like CSI, Crime Scene Investigation, even Hollywood has missed this important forensic component in the CSI team's tool box. Going forward as of today, Obama should take on this issue as tenaciously as he does fighting against our 2nd Amendment rights by registering firearms and banning multiple round ammunition clips - Why not under ATF and FBI regulations require registration of  special "identification" taggants? 


 Ratification of the United Nations Agenda 21

UPDATE - International Gun Controls

This UN treaty subjugates our country's sovereignty under the United Nations rules which order our Congress to follow UN gun registrations. Obama, as well as Hillary Clinton, are urging approval and passage to bypass U.S. Constitutional laws. It will further dovetail into an effort by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) currently amassing files on every American citizen and resident to enforce gun controls. This is a separate aside issue to be aware of and protest. It has nothing to do with our terrorist threats but offers great cover and an excuse for the Obama administration to further diminish our 2nd Amendment Rights. As Rahm Emanuel's Misguided Mantra says: 'No Crisis Should Go to Waste'.

Where Are The Taggants?
Published on on April 16, 2013

After the Oklahoma City terrorist bombing in 1995, the Clinton Administration called on Congress to pass legislation to require all commercial materials that can be used to make explosives include special taggants -- chemical materials that are not destroyed in the blast but that can survive it to help us pick up the scent to find the culprits.
Congress agreed to require detection taggants -- substances included in explosives that dogs can smell and other equipment pick-up to indicate the presence of explosives.  But it refused to pass legislation to require "identification" taggants to help us track down the party responsible.
As this column is being written, we do not yet know if the authorities have been able to apprehend any of the killers of the Boston Marathon Bombings. But we do know that they would have a better chance of doing so had Congress acted as it should have twenty years ago and required identification taggants.  Switzerland is the only country in the world that requires such taggants.

What happened? A coalition of the NRA, explosive manufacturers, mining companies and the like complained that taggants would run up the cost of explosives and pose a major inconvenience. They won and stopped identification taggants from making it into the final law.
When the Atlanta Olympic bombing happened, many revisited the taggant issue. But there have been no explosion terror attacks on American soil since then and the taggant issue has not come up.
It is time it did. This elementary law enforcement tool must be included in our response to this horrific attack.
In addition, we must all pray for the health of those who are wounded and the consolation of the families of the dead. But let's learn the lessons of this attack.


The Real Gun Ban Question

Here's the Question to Ask!

Car 54, Where Are You?  It ran from 1961 to 1963 and is still remembered today as one of the funniest TV comedies of the 1960s. Starring Joe E. Ross and Fred Gwynne.

If you substitute their police car number with the one that is in your local neighborhood, it begs the same question - Car _ _ Where Are You?  And indeed, you are asking what every victim utters seconds before the armed intruder breaks the glass to enter their home with only minutes to react.  It is already too late to reasonably expect police to deter the crime or much less defend your safety.  Simply put - You are on your own!

As Deputy Barney Fife said, "Nip it!  Nip it in the bud!" sounds like Joe Biden's admonition: “Buy a Shotgun!”. As Biden noted the “clear signal” sent by the voters he offered the sage advice he gave his wife, specifically, "Get a shot gun and if you hear a noise, go out on the back porch and fire a couple of blasts."

I am positively sure that the armed robber under his heavy LSD laced haze with a Meth induced high will be heightened by the excitement of bright lightening flashes from the exploding shotgun shells. So as you reload, he unloads on you ...Right on Barney, oops, Biden!

Barack Obama and Joe Biden barnstormed the country attempting to gin up emotionally-driven indignation against our 2nd Amendment rights while federal agencies under their control are working behind the scenes to put the hurt on firearms’ manufacturers and law-abiding citizens who dare to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.

The old saying is: "There is only room for one Sheriff in this town!"  That is very true in Washington DC these days, especially since we only have two deputies and no Sheriff is in sight!

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