Obama & United Nations Virginity Tests

After the March 2011 Cairo's Tahir Square Rally, female protester detainees were subjected to Tahir Square Woman Protestor Arrested"Virginity Tests" to determine if surgical procedures were required. Although many were conducted, only seven stepped forward to formally accuse the military of sexual misconduct or rape while others were shunned by public ridicule and felt ethnic community pressures.
Under pressure from Human Rights Watch and women's rights organizations, the Egyptian court has ordered government military rulers to halt so-called "Virginity Tests" on female detainees. An army prosecutor said only that he was going to look into the issue. It looks like practices such as these need big world organizations like the United Nations and the World Health Organization to adopt resolutions to forcefully call for the elimination of these practices.
These world bodies have such awesome brute power to legislate and enforce their iron-clad resolutionTahir Square Rally Women for Sharia Laws s. I am so glad Hillary Clinton condemned the “systematic degradation of women" and Pres. Obama climbed on board by supporting these world organizations to show these countries the United States means business this time. They will all quake in their military boots! LOL! ...Yeah!... Right! And the rest is History...look back at what happened 18 years ago going forward under Pres. Bill Clinton (1991-2000), Pres. Geo. W. Bush (2001-2008) and Pres. Barack Obama (2009-2012) ...All Nada!
A Reader's Digest article "in 1994" states, "The World Health Organization adopted a resolution sponsored by several African countries calling for the elimination of female genital mutilation, F.G.M., which is performed on an estimated two million children each year, ranging in age from infancy to adolescence."
"Although female genital mutilation, F.G.M., is practiced in both Islamic and non-Islamic cultures, many African Muslim communities that do perform the procedure cite religion as a reason. F.G.M. takes one of the three forms. Sunna circumcision - the mildest form is the removal of all or part of the clitoris. Excision is the cutting away of the clitoris and all or part of the inner vaginal lips. Infibulation involves the removal of the clitoris, the inner vaginal lips and part of the outer vaginal lips, followed by the sewing together of the two sides of the vulva, leaving only a pea-size opening for urine and blood."
"Because of the crude, unhygienic tools used by practitioners, it is not uncommon for a child to develop tetanus or septicemia. Many females who undergo the procedure develop secondary infections or painful, lifelong medical problems."
"F.G.M. is practiced in more than 30 countries, primarily through the central belt of Africa, from Senegal to Somalia and as far north as Egypt. Despite the belief that it is a religious duty, in fact, the Koran offers no encouragement of the procedure."
So, since the 1994 Reader's Digest article, the Female Genital Mutilation problems have United Nations Headquarters - New York Citynot been resolved in almost twenty years by any of the United Nations or World Health Organizations Resolutions enacted or actions taken by these International Governing bodies.
The United Nations, incidently, is where President Obama wants to exercise our sovereign United States DiplGet Out of UN Now!omatic Policies and International Law enforcement with any litigation actions ajudicated in the World Court at the Hague in the Netherlands. How has the European Union "One World Order" Government model that President Obama promoted been working for you lately?
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