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Obama & Corzine - How Gay is That?

A hilarious 1997 movie, In and Out, stars Kevin Klein as a gay teacher who is to be wed and backs out of it. The comedienne Joan Cusack plays the jilted bride who goes to a local bar to drown her sorrows and meets Tom Sellick, her former fiancés' closet gay lover. Unaware of Tom Sellick's sexual preference, Joan makes a pass at Tom and he says that he is gay. Joan then jumps up from the bar stool and runs out of the bar screaming! Now, you are probably asking, "What does this have to do with anything? Well, everyone in the movie knows what the issue is and only Joan screams it out loud and clear  ...It is about the OBVIOUS!


So, everyone is reporting on this horrible $1.2 Billion "lost investor funds" fraud debacle about Jon Corzine and NO ONE is screaming out about what is so OBVIOUS!  Is this another big Obama "Chicago Politics" and Corzine "Jersey Shores" style deal or what? NOTICE the "calendar order of events and market timing" ...Now read on.

Jon Corzine is former Democrat New Jersey Governor, Obama Presidential Campaign $500 Thousand donation moMF Global Holdings, Ltd.ney bundler and CEO of MF Global Holdings, Ltd. Under his direction before Summer, 2011 MF Global Holdings, Ltd. accumulated $6.3 Billion of short-term debt issued by European nations, mostly from Italy.  In the days leading up to MF Global's collapse and subsequent bankruptcy filing on October 31, $1.5 Billion of this European debt was sold with $4.8 Billion remaining.

Earlier in this year George Soros moved a chunk of Soros Fund Management holdings into safe, liquid investments.  Ironically, Soros, because of his move, later had the ability then to write a $2 Billion President Obama & Jon Corzinecheck for below the market price on MF Global Bonds at the time involving J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Since then, Timothy Geithner and Barack Obama have been diligently working hard to bolster up the European nations with the IMF Fund and other taxpayer funding options that has greatly improved the holdings and into the near future.

Could Soros Fund Management possibly take any "unexpected capture" of profits in the not so distant future? Well, "people close to the matter" said the $26 Billion Soros Fund Management  "may have profited" during the subsequent five weeks since the financial market has improved for the Italians and other European nations. 

Will Soros Fund Management sell off these MF Global bonds before another, but much deeper fall and long lasting European market collapse happens? Do you think there is any questionable insider trading ahead?  Hmmn...  It is so OBVIOUS!



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