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Martin Luther King's Dream Turns into a Nightmare

Lieing is real easy all of the time these days, just never tell the truth - who's to know anyway or really care compared to reality TV and sports?

The American liberal progressive education system is at work as witnessed on MLK Jr. Day, 2007, in Corpus Christi, TX when two African-Americans held signs intended to say "I HAVE A DREAM",  but instead said "I HAVE A DRAEM" and "I HAVE A DERAM"What would Martin Luther King say today?  Hmnn...

Howard Stern contributors Sal and Richard travel to Harlem to interview Obama supporters and ask them why they are voting for Obama. They did this back in 2008, now let's see what happens when they do it again in 2012.

HARLEM: Howard Stern's Man-on-the-Street interviews with 2012 Obama voters

This is a sad testament to our electorate IQ mentality.  Apparently, none of these Obama voters know that Osama bin-Laden is dead, but they’re sure Obama will get him in his second term. However, all of them got this one right: John McCain will NOT win this election.

It's scary to think that these people are your "peers" in a jury box and fellow voters that will judge the 2012 Presidential Debates. Wow!  No wonder Obama thinks he has a chance to fool all of the people some of the time and all of the rest all of the time - saay whaat?  LOL!

Please Listen and you be the Judge!


Time: 7:29



VOTE Nov 6, 2012!  ~


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