Obama's Sunnah Mu'akkadah

Obama in TurbanTMI: In Islam, the turban is a Sunnah Mu'akkadah. In Shi'a Islam, a black head wrap around a small white cap is worn by descendants of Muhammad, and White turbans worn by other well-educated persons and scholars. Black turbans are typically wore by the Taliban, as a black turban represents the time of war in Islam.
The Whole Muslim Thing
Aren't you tired about the whole Muslim thing by now? I mean can someone just turn it off so we can go on with our lives now? After all, we are already getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan, bailing out on funding more military expenditures by troops reductions and cutting down our missile defense systems while closing bases around the world. As the black man who was the lightening rod for the infamous start of the 1965 Los Angeles race riots, Rodney King said, "Can't we just all get along?" By the way, almost fifty years later we are still trying to just get along. So, can't we just work a little faster with this Muslim thing too?
Wake Up America!
NY City Mosque ImamI was attempting dry humor above to talk like many Americans think about this important issue while making a very serious point: Muslims are not the problem, Americans are.
It's unbelievable, but this problem starts at the top of our American Societal hierarchy, as the POTUS himself, Barack Hussein Obama said, "Osama Bin Laden is Dead! ...al Queda is on its heels."
Boy, we don't have to worry about a 9/11 attack? No, it already happened! ...2,964 died. 19 terrorists died. Whoops! No, it already happened! ...4 died. 0 terrorists died. Very odd that no other terrorist injuries or fatalities have been reported in the lengthy embassy firefight they say happened. Why not?
This time they only got one ambassador and four civilians who died in a military action because our United States military was ordered to stand down due to political correctness. Of course, its been nearly two months since it happened and no counteraction or official word of rebuke or plan of attack has been mentioned by President Barack Hussein Obama. Whew! We could piss them off again for God's sake! ...Oops, for Allah's sake!
Is the Koran all about love or all about hatred?
Time 2:41
See What is Going On in the U.S.
Time 5:39
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