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Second Obama Term - U.S. Sellout to U.N.

 U.S. Loses Sovereignty

The Obama Administration is busy quietly working in secret away from the U.S. public eye. Barack and Hillary are now feverishly drafting mind-boggling World socialist legislation to pass under Obama's Executive Orders without any Congressional approvals during the Christmas lame duck session in December 2012 ...But why?  ...Because Obama can and will!

The Obama agenda is simple, that of a United Nations One World Order Government with specific aims towards that end:

  • Empowering international institutions, to create an international identity.
  • Encouraging Zero-economic growth across the world, with a redistribution of wealth and labor by centralized planning.
  • Instigating manufacturing crisis after crisis, so that the people will become apathetic and easily controlled.
  • Creating international trading blocks, such as the EU and a North American Union to restrict global free trade.
  • Expanding powers of the UN, through Agenda 21*, including creation of global taxation to the UN.
  • Establish a global carbon UN tax program, such as a Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX) as a global electronic exchange platform serving both the regulatory and voluntary carbon markets.
  • Regulate and control the entire International Global Internet Network under the UN auspices, with the powers to ban access, limit free speech and levy usage fees.

*Like many ‘green movement initiatives’ Agenda 21 is a ‘wolf in sheep's clothing’.  Agenda 21 is not an environmental management policy, but an attempt to impose a global centrally planned quasi-government administered by the United Nations.

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