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Obama's Plan for Truth

Is this how "End of Term" Candidates act?


Will Obama to act any different? ...Nah!!

On May 8, 2012, voters in North Carolina approved a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage defining marriage as between a man and a woman. The measure passed 61 percent to 39 percent.

Afterwards, Democrat Governor Beverly Perdue told North Carolina’s WITN-TV. “Folks areGovernor Beverly Perdue saying what in the world is going on with North Carolina, we look like Mississippi” and saying it would “harm families” and “write discrimination into the constitution.”

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, a Republican, fired back at Gov. Perdue later in the day by calling her remarks “petty” and “very disappointing” and “To be able to use Mississippi in a disparaging way on a popular vote in her own state."

Actually, this Democrat Governor mirrors what Obama has in store for the voters after he wins another term in November 2012.  Then, Obama will loudly shout out his true beliefs and motives to bring them roaring out into the plain view of everyone to see, otherwise too late to stop him for his last four years. They both are not running for a second term, so they have nothing to lose!

...The Voters have everything to lose!




VOTE 2012!  ~


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