A Look into 2016 - A Glimpse into our Future

About Dinesh D'Souza: A Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Dartmouth College who served under President Ronald Reagan. Named in 2010 as president of The King’s College, in New York City. Dinesh brought a distinguished 25-year career as a writer, scholar, and public intellectual to The King’s College. Prior to this appointment, Dinesh also served as John M. Olin Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and the Robert and Karen Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
Dinesh with President Reagan in the White House where he served as a policy analyst.
My Movie Review:
Obama's America 2016
A new release by Dinesh D'Souza, this well researched and fact-filled documentary certainly opens the dialogue on both sides on who has been elected to the highest office in the land: A Love/Hate relationship that is so volatile that the 2012 Election is a major inflection point in the direction of our country going forward.
I urge anyone who wishes to really learn the facts as laid out by Obama himself, in his own words and in his own voice. Just listen as he explains why and how he will change the United States from the major aggressive nation of suppressive colonialists and plunderers of the world's wealth to satisfy our greedy thirst and personal consumption at the expense of other countries.
Fact: Obama explains his class-war rationale as the one percent verses the ninety-nine percent, the rich capitalists against the middle class folks. Truth: As the documentary unfolds, Obama trully reveals that ratio more clearly, it is not what most Americans understand but what third worlders already know. The middle class in the United States are actually living in the top one percent and the rest of the world is in the ninety-nine percent. Conclusion: Obama is setting up all of the middle class in the U.S. to foot the tax bill to support the rest of the world by distributing our wealth to other nations around the world through a global economy of trade treaties. They are being worked on as you read this blog.
VOTE 2012! ~
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