Convention Rating Boo Boos

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
Obama gets advice from Honey Boo BooTLC's controversial reality show about a self-proclaimed "redneck" family and their Toddlers and Tiaras daughter, hit another ratings high as the Democrat Convention closed this week. This follows the high ratings during the Republican Convention too.
The half-hour series' showing among adults 18-49 bested all other cable ratings for that night during Clinton's speech with 2.4 million viewers for each. Ad naseum describes all of the pre-planned, prepared and preordained outcomes after all of the vetted speeches, braggadocio and contrived pomp and circumstance. But, does this really explain the viewer rating spikes for this show? Maybe, or does this prove how irrelevant the political conventions have become in these days of the 24/7 news coverage? Too much exposure for sure... even though Obama opined during this campaign season that he has not had the opportunity to explain fully his political positions as of yet. Oh really Mr. President?
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