As Obama Drones On, So Do Drones!

Obama signed the FAA Modernization and Reform Act in February, 2012, demanding that the FAA “integrate operation of drones” into National Airspace by 2015. Obama is launching drones into domestic skies as part of its “terrorism surveillance and intelligence operations.”
As the Conservative Action Alerts reports, “So, while you are putting burgers on the grill … while your kids are playing outside … while you walk your dog, or go window-shopping, or sit outside at a café, having lunch … the eyes of the U.S. government will be upon you. Small drones will begin flying in June, 2013 but all types of Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles, UAV’s, will be allowed into the skies by September 30, 2015-courtesy of our privacy-killing President, Barack Obama.”
Does the President have the authority to use a weaponed drone? Thanks to Senator Rand Paul this point of law was questioned and finally, after a thirteen hour fillabuster, answered publicly by the Obama administration.
- No, the legality and constitutionality of the U.S. government using lethal force, including weaponry of drone strikes, on Americans and in U.S. territory is protected under the rights of due process of law.
In case you worry about Obama sending out drones with a Hellfire Missile hung on a Predator wing targeting you? ...Don't be!
I would be worried more about those bad boys below instead!
You haven't seen MAVs yet? - Micro Air Vehicles
Unobtrusive, Invasive, and Lethal the Future War Fighter! Air Force Bugbots
Time 4:27
This very informative video produced by General Dynamics in Dayton, Ohio for the Air Force Research Laboratory details our newest weapon systems technology already field tested and being covertly used to defend our country.
They can be air dropped by drones or hand launched by ground forces to detect enemy positions, identify targets or actually deliver ordinance to destroy adversarial individuals engaged in active warfare against our own troops.
Of course, outside the spectrum of direct engagement in a troop combat landscape these Micro Air Vehicles allow the opportunity for counterespionage to surveil individuals, groups or areas of interest to observe activities as well as pin point specific mission requirements.
Since they can be hidden in plain sight due to size and mobility, they can observe activities for an extended period of time undetected while entering into a lower power mode utilizing direct solar power or harvesting power from wind, power lines or vibrating machinery.
The Micro Air Vehicles operate with microsensors and microprocessor technology to navigate and to track targets through complicated terrains as well as urban areas around building and streets undetected with relative ease and speed as an alternative to personnel with actual boots on the ground offering maximum safety during operations. While a Global Position System locates general target areas, an Optic Flow System allows immediate closeup on-site visual navigation necessary to steer a course in close quarters and provide real-time operational information.
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