Gun Controls - "Round Up the Usual Suspects"

What happens when you give up 640,000 firearms to Federal authorities who promise safety for a gun ban?
The Loss of Gun Rights vs. The Loss of Lives
A half-a-billion dollar gun buy-back program, about 20% of the firearms, in Australia that forced law-abiding citizens to surrender conventional firearms in a nationwide roundup and meltdown to confiscate and destroy all semi-automatic firearms, pump action rifles and shotguns has ended in a disaster. Look at the statistics:
Armed Robberies +69%
Assaults w/ Guns +28%
Gun Murders +19%
Home Invasions +21%
The lawful citizens are unprotected, unarmed and unable under unreasonable gun ban laws to defend themselves. The ban excludes scofflaws like the idiots, thugs and morons that ignore firearms laws to act out in violence against property and life.
Tim Fischer, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia said, "The fact is you are 15 times more likely to be shot dead per capita in the U.S.A. than here in Australia." It is understandable considering 2012 World populations were 23 million (0.33%) Australians verses 330 million (4.30%) Americans, nearly 10.5 times more. Further, examining murders per capita (100K), Chicago 19.4, Los Angeles 7.5 and New York 6.0 proved that the strictest gun laws restricting ownership even with no gun stores allowed in the Chicago area did not stop gun violence or the residents from violating gun ownership laws.
The number-one factor in predicting crime is not guns -- or lack of guns. It is concentrated urban poverty because of Chicago’s history as a segregated city. Demographics, however, only prove physical adversity. The underlying reason really is ongoing Federal Assistance Programs that kill desires for self-reliance and personal pride leaving only desensitized, numb individuals turning to street crime as their only resort to get ahead.
Obama, again, has not really been serious in investigating the root cause of the gun tragedies. Our mental health laws need further examination and that takes much time andCaptain Renault (Claude Rains, in black): “Round up the usual suspects.” effort. It is currently more politically expedient to just add more gun restrictions since he has other pressing programs he wants to pass as his administration's legacy. Instead, Obama simply repeats the words of Captain Louis Renault (Claude Rains), in the film Casablanca, "Round up the usual suspects." The usual suspects being gun-control laws that marginally address the continuing problem of mass killings. What about the mental health and the glorification of violence in the entertainment and video-game industries?
Australian reforms introduced that people needed to demonstrate a justifiable need to have a weapon. The need, in Australia, means that you are a farmer who needs to use a rifle or a shotgun to control animal populations. Or you're a sport shooter. It's never been seen as a justifiable need to own a handgun to protect yourself from home invasion. The legal term, "Home Invasion", has not yet been legally defined by liberal Parliament legislators since it would defy their logic in the Australian gun laws to include the individual's right to bear arms.
The United States Constitution guarantees that all citizens have the right to bear arms, period.

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