Obamacare Payers Take Hook, Line & Sinker

The Republican and Democrat Capitol Hill politicians believe they are better than the rest of us, more valuable to society than us that deserve the Obamacare subsidy waivers as their work is too important while the work we do is meaningless. Both sides of the aisle also cry that they would experience a "brain drain" due to their youthful, less financially abled, Capitol Hill aides who spurred by the threat of spiking health insurance costs would head out elsewhere for better, well-paying jobs if not included too. So, give them all waivers and breathe a big sigh of relief: WHEW! - I'm sarcastic, just kidding.
The Obamacare insurance premium increases won't even be unconsciously noticed by Capitol Hill aides as members of congress and their staffs will be able to purchase the most expensive Cadillac Health Plans available on the exchange since Politicians are going to squeeze it out the wallets of millions of American families. Does this mean that we pick up the bill for all their 75% health insurance subsidies? -- In Obama's own words, "YES WE CAN!"
Meanwhile, all other Americans, with no subsidies, must by Federal Law pay for their mandated Obamacare coverage starting in 2014 as scheduled. However, some employers and employees cannot access any state government insurance exchanges because not every state is going to exchanges. How much it will cost to buy health insurance on these new exchanges is still unknown too, some states are predicting double digit increases in current private plan premiums. The health insurance rates will all depend on the allowable coverage and deductibles for wellness program visits, primary care, speciality care, hospital care, out-patient care and the bureaucratic red-tape and time involved to go through the healthcare system.
Starting next year, we'll be asked about health insurance when we file our taxes. We have to tell the I.R.S. whether we have insurance coverage or not. Many will simply refuse to pay for insurance, but they will find out the hard way that the government tells them what to do or else. Ha! Ha! Ha! - Jokes on them, they voted for Obama! If you don’t have coverage, you’ll pay the penalty. The individual penalty under the Obamacare Affordable Care Act is $95 or one percent of your income, whichever is greater. So if you earn $40,000, you’d pay $400 or buy a federal subsidized insurance policy for about $315 a month/$3,780 a year. By 2016, the penalty ratchets up to 2.5 percent of your income. So, if you earn $40,000, you'd pay $1000 -- And, if it's like any other I.R.S. government tax programs, the I.R.S. levies, fines and penalties keep piling right on top!
Bottom line: Obama believes "the people" will buy Obamacare health insurance because they need it. - Not really, because they are forced by the I.R.S. to buy it. How many young adults need so much coverage, except for major medical, when they are healthy under 30? They really don't, but they must pay for all of the eldercare doctors and other's hospital bills in the healthcare system. It's also lucky for the many other "disadvantaged Democrat voters" who have the government to help them pay for Obamacare along with their food stamps (SNAP - Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program), welfare checks, disability checks, housing checks and childcare checks, just to name a few federal and state assistance programs.
George Carlin told the truth as it was...Why did Obama give businesses a pass on joining into Obamacare until 2015? And give the insurance companies a delay in capping out-of-pocket expenses postponed indefinitely while creating enormous premium profits? And why is Obamacare collecting premiums for a ten year period according to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) while paying out benefits for six years? How can Obama be double counting medicare cuts as overall General Budget line item savings and then also recasting them as paying down on Obamacare costs in order to "balance" the Affordable Care Act budget too? - And don't even pretend that you think that the "normal", "Joe-average" voter can comprehend these budget manipulations, just refer to George Carlin's assessment of them.
You working stiffs better get an extra job otherwise the others can't live up to the life style they are accustomed to in the United States - And you think I'm joking? - Just watch your payroll taxes grow and paycheck take-home pay shrink further!
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