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All the world's a stage - Obama, The Bad Actor

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and their entrances...

Wm. Shakespeare's "As You Like It"

The whole world doesn't know what to make of America anymore--in part because of our Another tedious drool of words...president, but also referring not only to foreign policy but to U.S. domestic economic policies, to the limits America has imposed on itself. The nations all ask the same question: Why does the greatest country in the world allow itself to be led by an inexperienced, naive, dilettante who just dabbles in light-weight parlor politics not knowing anything at all? - This is not the time for 'Amateur Hour' on the world stage!

U.N. members find time to Kindle, text, email, apply lipstick, check watch & read paper. In just five years of Mr. Obama, world leaders do not understand what are really his higher strategic aims, have real doubts about his seriousness and his judgment, and read him as unsure and covering up for his unsureness with ringing words.

"A heated scorching assessment of the president's role as a foreign-policy actor came from a former senior U.S. diplomat, a low-key and sophisticated man who spent the week at many of the U.N.-related functions." "World leaders are very negative about Obama," he said. They are really very "disappointed, feeling he's not really in charge. . . . The Western Europeans don't pay that much attention to him anymore."

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