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Voter I.D. - A Bogus Issue

Why are liberals so upset when  a voter photo I.D. is required?

They claim that it burdens all the minorities and poor voters to obtain one since it is difficult since many do not drive cars or have bank accounts.  They further argue that it "disenfranchises" them since it deprives and marginalizes their political voice from the general population. Boy, that sure sounds terrible, almost like a dictatorship without their rights to vote!

Why are the liberals not upset when photo I.D. is required?  

  • How about when receiving public assistance for food stamps, housing allowances, disability payments, Medicaid and Social Security benefits?
  • Or how about prescription pharmacy drug pick-up, doctor office visit check-in, hospital admission, airport check-in and municipal building access? 
  • Or how about for credit cards, check cashing, debit cards, banking transactions, loans, notary service, house-apt rental, vehicle operators license, car rental and equipment rental?
  • Or how about for age verification for bars, casinos, adult entertainment clubs, alcohol consumption or purchase, senior discount rates and voter registration?

The obvious key to a picture I.D. is that it offers a highly reliable method to quickly and efficiently guard against voter fraud of ballot duplication, ballot box stuffing, through positive visual authentication at the polling places.  

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